Louis Vernier
Louis Benjamin Vernier (b. 20 May, 2041) is a Mixed-blood wizard and the youngest son of Aaron and Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud). Louis attended Hogwarts Scotland in 2052.
Early Life (2025-2036)
Louis Benjamin Vernier is the fourth child of Aaron Vernier and the third child of Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud). He was born on May 20, 2041 at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in France along with his fraternal twin sister Lucie Vernier. He was the second to be born on that day after his sister, having been born in the very early hours of the morning. Not long after his first birthday, Louis and the rest of his family moved to New Zealand where his cousins and his Aunt Annabelle lived. His parents decided it would be a good idea for them to start fresh.
Having only been in France for a year of his life, Louis was unable to speak the language fluently like the rest of his family and picked up English much faster. He is able to say basic words in French but is not able to have a full fledged conversation.
Louis' first magical outburst happened when he was five years old. He was out playing catch with his father when he made the ball levitate. This was good news as it had been almost a year since Lucie's first magical outburst and his parents were starting to worry.
Hogwarts Years (2052-2059)
First Year
Louis started his journey at Hogwarts New Zealand not really knowing what to expect at the sorting ceremony. He knew the old hat would be placed on his head, but he had no idea where he was headed after that, and if that was in the same direction as his twin sister. He figured he would be sorted into one of the houses his other siblings were, but he really wasn't sure which one it would be.
On the Hogwarts Express, Louis met his first two friends Isaiah and Elara. He admittedly liked Isaiah a little more, as he thought Elara was a little weird, but he was still glad that he had already made two friends before even stepping foot inside the castle and it gave him some confidence for what was ahead.
Louis was sorted into Hufflepuff house, whilst his twin sister was sorted into Slytherin house. Louis couldn't help but feel glad that they were separated, mostly so he could just get a break from her. His friends however were sorted into Gryffindor.
During the year, Louis made an effort to explore as much of the castle as he could. He discovered the student lounge, which was a communal place where anyone could go and hang out. He also discovered the kitchens, however opted not to stay down there for long in case a professor found him and he happened to get into trouble.
Overall, Louis had a good first year and thought his Head of House was a really nice person. He was glad he was sorted into Hufflepuff, and had received good grades too which he hoped would carry over onto his future years.

Louis Benjamin Vernier
Biological Information
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
20 May, 2041
St Mungo's Hospital, France
Too Young To Care
Physical Information
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Dark Brown
Light Brown
Family Information
Family members
Mariana Renaud (maternal grandmother)
Benjamin Renaud (maternal grandfather)
Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud) (mother)
Aaron Vernier (father)
Isabelle Vernier (half-sister)
Patrick Vernier (half-brother)
Anastasie Vernier (half-sister)
Lucie Vernier (sister)
Lilyanna Hope (maternal cousin)
Eleanor Hope (maternal cousin)
Estella Fuentes (maternal cousin)
Genevieve Fuentes (maternal cousin)
Magical Characteristics
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Vernier Family
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
Hufflepuff House

Louis at 8 years of age

Louis' First Year Yearbook Photo
Louis' Second Year Yearbook Photo
Louis' 2053 Halloween Costume: An Elf
Second Year
Louis was glad to be back at Hogwarts for his second year. He sometimes
felt that it was less crowded than at home where there was always a lot of
people. His father bought him a new Gobstones set during the break and
he was really excited to use it, despite only knowing the bare minimum on
how to play. He met a new friend by the name of Valencia Addington on
the Hogwarts Express. She was in the same year as him and sorted into
Ravenclaw House. They played his game of Gobstones together and
Louis learnt a few of the rules whilst doing so. He really liked Valencia as
he thought she was fun to be around.
During the first semester, Louis made sure to practice his Gobstones skills
in the lakefront where there was plenty of fresh air. He had attracted two
Ravenclaw boys who played with him. They were slightly better than him,
and admittedly this embarrassed the Hufflepuff. He opted to get as good
as he could as he really enjoyed the game and was the most thankful for
this gift.
Louis also made sure to spend some time exploring too. He discovered an
abandoned classroom where he heard a rumour that they used to teach
sign language there. He somehow hoped that it was true as it meant that
Hogwarts at least used to cater for people that were hearing impaired, and
that would be very selfless of them. It wasn't the most attractive of
classrooms, but it was a new room he had discovered and he was proud of
For Halloween, Louis decided he would dress up this time and went to the
ceremony as an Elf. He didn't win any prize for it, but it was his first shot and he was glad he had participated in it.
Later that year, Louis met a first year Hufflepuff by the name of Elizabella Drake. He helped her study while she fed him candy, and Louis enjoyed having her as company and was glad to make another new friend. She even gave him a friendship rose for Valentine's Day to which Louis felt rather flattered.
Louis found himself in a bit of strife soon enough however when he mumbled a rude passing comment to the charms professor. The boy didn't like how the charms professor was using actual insects as props in the class. She instructed the class to repel the insects off of the plants and Louis felt really bad for doing so, especially since most of them were good for them. The professor called him into her office and she asked him what else they could do to learn the spell instead. On the spot, he suggested that they repel pillows towards each other instead as it seemed a lot less dangerous, and the professor said she would take it into account.
Overall, Louis had another good year, and his grades had even improved a bit. He was looking forward to his third year where he would take some extra subjects that he hopefully enjoyed.
Third Year
Louis started his third year really wanting to make some friends. The boy opted to join the Brotherhood in hopes that he could do that. He hung around mostly with Isaiah, whom he met on the Hogwarts Express during his first year, and his friend Branson. He also spent a lot of time with a fellow Hufflepuff, Jordan Harris, who soon became a rather close friend of his. They sat next to each other in all of their classes and he told him a lot about what might be expected of him whilst he was part of the Brotherhood. Louis hoped that blind dates were a thing of the past as the thought of it made him extremely nervous.
During a one-on-one session with the Defence Against The Dark Arts professor,
Louis successfully defeated his boggart. As the boggart appeared out of the wardrobe,
it took the shape of his new friends and his parents. They were calling him names and
laughing at him, but he defeated them by making them wear googly glasses. They
were then laughing at each other, and Louis was no longer feeling so much anxiety,
and laughed along with them too.
Louis attended the Halloween Feast as a dinosaur, which his older brother Patrick helped him with. He figured it
was a very good idea for a costume as Dinosaurs were scary and no one else had the same idea. Unfortunately
however, his costume did not win him prize and he opted to want to try again next year for one. The boy also
attended the Yule Ball that year as friends with Elizabella Drake. She introduced him to a good friend of hers, a
Slytherin named Parker Reed, and the three of them hung out during the night, mostly eating from the snacks
When the second semester came around and Louis had to participate in his
charms classes, he definitely felt rather nervous with the activities that they were
doing. During one lesson when he had to enlarge a marble that could potentially
explode if enlarged too much, Louis ran out of the classroom and to his dormitory, not wanting to perform the spell in case anything bad had happened. He was followed by Jordan, who cheered him up and made him feel a little better about attending future classes. The professor also noticed however, and called him to her office where he met her two hairless cats. One of them rather liked him, and it was then that Louis discovered his love for cats. The charms professor offered him the opportunity to practice spells outside of class rather than in class, and this was much better for Louis going forward. The charms professor was now his favourite professor.
Despite having to spend extra time doing charms, Louis had received quite good grades, receiving an O in everything except for Potions and Transfiguration. It ended the year on a rather good note.
Fourth Year
Louis wanted to have another good year, however felt himself distancing from his friends. Jordie and Weston
had found someone else to hang out with. He was a transfer in the year above them, and truthfully Louis didn't
care much to get to know him. The Hufflepuff just focused on his studies and also found himself hanging out
on the odd occasion with Kaia. The pair of them had grown a little closer and they even attended the Yule Ball
together, which Louis rather enjoyed.
When the second semester came around, Louis had received a yellow rose from Isaiah for Valentine's Day,
which really helped cheer him up a little. It didn't help however to see his sister in a similar position as him, and
he just hoped things would get better soon. He sent her a yellow rose, knowing that she didn't have any other
people close to her who would.
That year, Louis's mother was a candidate for the Minister of Magic. He found himself listening in on the debate
at Hogwarts with his peers. After being interviewed by the Hogwarts Monthly and asked if he would run for
Minister himself, he responded with "Well, not this election. I hope my mum wins. Vote Vernier!"
Fifth Year
As Louis started his fifth year, he noticed Lucie had received a prefect badge and he hadn't. Whilst he wasn't too surprised, he was still happy for her, despite part of him wishing he also had one glimmering upon his chest. Truthfully, Louis did not want to be back at Hogwarts. He had heard about a Basilisk incident at the end of the year prior, and he was much too scared to be walking the walls of the castle knowing that potentially a member of that Basilisk's family could also be wandering around trying to find them. He was an emotional wreck, and found himself in Professor Mallory's office, shaking with fear as he
opened up to her. He was upset she was no longer his professor, but knew that
behind the scenes she must have spoken to the other professor, which he was
extremely grateful for. He figured at least she was still around for him, even if she
couldn't teach him anything much further. She did make him feel better however,
and despite still being on edge, Louis was able to somehow keep going about
Louis attended that year's Halloween Feast as a Knight In Shining Armour, which was a costume he was quite
proud of himself for producing. He had been influenced by his History of Magic textbooks and it was his most
creative idea yet. He even won himself the title of best overall costume for the costume contest.
As the year progressed, Louis noticed a lot of people around him getting into romantic relationships, but for
some reason he didn't feel that way towards anyone and didn't think he ever would. It was odd that so many
people were doing it, but he just shrugged it off, trying not to think about it too much.
Overall, Louis finished off his OWL year very well. He didn't do as well as the year before, but that was to be
expected with the harder exams, so he was quite proud of himself for what he had achieved.
Sixth Year
Louis wasn't sure what to expect for his Sixth Year. He had completed his OWL exams already, with his NEWT exams to follow the next year, however he felt like he was stuck in limbo, unsure whether he should be feeling as much pressure this year or not. His father had bought him a book about gobstones however, so he decided to focus on this as he started his year, wanting to improve in the game despite not really having anyone to play it with. He often found himself practicing on his own, using the new techniques that were taught to him in his book. He was accidentally isolating himself from everyone however, and knew this was quite possibly a mistake.
As well as all of his usual classes, Louis was also attending Apparition lessons. He was quite apprehensive about it, not really sure what to expect, but was glad during the first lesson when the professor simply lectured them without pressuring them into apparating already. She spoke about splinching however, which terrified him, and the following lesson she announced that they would all be apparating with nurses there to help them if anything happened. Louis was furious at this, as he thought that surely there was more theory to learn before they started to do it. Overwhelmed, Louis left that less with consequences to follow. Lucie told his parents which resulted in a long letter to himself about how he needed to step up. Begrudgingly, Louis made his way to the final lesson and was delighted to have successfully apparated without being spliched. Hoping he'd never have to do that again, Louis was quick to make his way out.
Truthfully, Louis didn't feel he had the best year at Hogwarts, but he was happy to have finally gone through it and that it was over. He just wanted to enjoy his break before experiencing his last year at the school.
Seventh Year
Louis was feeling very nervous that it was his last year at Hogwarts. He was expected to do well this year, and honestly he didn’t think he had it in him. The thought of having to do better than he ever had before was making him feel sick. There was no way he could do it. But if he didn’t do it, he would disappoint everyone and then he wouldn’t be able to do much once he left. It was all very overwhelming so he just hoped he could get through the year without messing anything up.
Wanting to socialise a little more, Louis decided to join the speed dating that the Brotherhood offered, hoping this would help him make some friends that could potentially help him along the way. Admittedly, it was terrifying the Louis, and so he firstly approached Jordie, followed by Weston, as they were people that he was comfortable with. Eventually however, he decided to sit at a table with a younger Gryffindor girl named Van who was eating some cupcakes. Louis asked her if she was hungry, which embarrassed him as he thought that was obvious after he asked the question. She seemed very cool however, and Louis was glad that he approached her as they had a short, but sweet, conversation.
Eventually the year came to an end and Louis attended the graduation ceremony. This was very daunting to Louis as he wasn't sure what he wanted to do when he stepped foot outside of the castle. He nervously collected his diploma and was finally out in the real world.

Louis' 2053 Halloween Costume: A Dinosaur
Louis' Third Year Yearbook Photo
Louis' 2054 Yule Ball Outfit

Louis' Fourth Year Yearbook Photo

Louis' Fifth Year Yearbook Photo
Louis' Prize-Winning 2055 Halloween Costume: A Knight In Shining Armour

Louis' Sixth Year Yearbook Photo
Personality and traits
"[Louis] is more social and always striving to be whatever he wants. He also has a very sweet heart and always thinks of others before himself. If ever anyone needs help, he is there for them, even if he knows he can't do much."
- Aaron Vernier, Louis' father, describing Louis' personality.
Louis is extremely good at solving problems and likes to help people wherever he can without nothing in return. He doesn’t like to talk about his emotions and often keeps everything to himself as he feels like it is safer that way. Louis really cares about his reputation and the way he is perceived by others, has a desire for glory, and often overthinks what other people may think about him, wanting to make the best first impression on others that he can. This results in multiple facades of himself in order to try and make others like him more, and is not really a good way for him to keep friends, resulting in him being very much a loner and an outcast, which he doesn’t particularly mind as he prefers to work as an individual. Louis has a high expectation of himself, finding that he gets upset easily if things do not go the way he had planned. Louis will often overload himself with work and is a very dedicated person, wanting nothing more than to reach his goals in life.
Louis is also prone to getting lost as he often finds himself wandering away from the main events and letting his mind and his body wander. He often thinks about wanting to explore the world and what could be out there that he doesn’t know about. This can sometimes lead to dangerous situations for him and his good intentions may seem bad. He always does have good intentions though, and is extremely selfless and very supportive of other people if they are going through a tough time. He always tries his best to be there for everyone, despite not being that good at offering them advice, and is very loyal and reliable.
Magical abilities and skills
text: text.
Wand: Before Louis's first year he purchased his first wand: Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Gobstones: During the holidays of 2053, Louis' father purchased him a Gobstones game and he played it regularly at Hogwarts during his second year.
Louis is the French form of the Old Frankish given name Chlodowig. The Frankish name is composed of the words for "fame" and "warrior" which may be translated to famous warrior or "famous in battle".
Benjamin is a popular given name for males. Derived from Hebrew, it translates as "Son of my right [hand]"
Vernier is the topographic name for someone who lived near an alder tree. Hyper Corrected form of 'Varnier', the form of Warner found in eastern France.