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Estella Fuentes

"Oh my gosh guys, I love you!"

- Estella to her friends.

Estella Violetta Fuentes (b. 14 May 2040) is a Half-blood witch and the eldest child of Alejandra Garcia and Juan Fuentes. They never married and did not have much of a relationship. In 2040, just after Estella was born, her mother abandoned her and her father as she realised she did not want a magical daughter after finding out Juan was magical. Estella and her father moved to New Zealand where they met her step-mother Jane Fuentes (née Renaud) and later had her half-sister together, Genevieve Fuentes.

Early Life (2040-2050)

Estella Fuentes is the only child of Muggle Alejandra Garcia and the eldest child of Mixed blood wizard Juan Fuentes. She was born on the fourteenth day of May, 2040, in the bathtub of Juan and Alejandra's small apartment in Mexico. She speaks fluent Spanish and fluent English with a Spanish accent.

Estella's mother did not know that Juan was magical. He told her when she was 38 weeks pregnant, and ran away right after Estella was born in fear that she wasn't able to raise a magical daughter, leaving Estella and her father behind. Juan named Estella after his father Estevan who had died in an Auror accident that no one in the family except for Juan knows about. Wanting to start a new life elsewhere, Juan took his daughter and legally immigrated to New Zealand. There he met Jane Renuad, a single French lady that often went to the same cafe he did, and in January 2043 they married before having a daughter of their own in July 2043.

Hogwarts Years (2051-2058)

First Year

Estella was definitely excited to be starting at Hogwarts. She was also excited to be shopping for Hogwarts and was very prompt when it came to buying everything that she needed on her list. She decided to buy her wand first and was served by an older Ravenclaw student. Her wand ended up being a Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core. She thought the curly aesthetic was really beautiful and this made her even more excited for the year ahead of her as she would find out how to use it.

The sorting ceremony was very unpredictable as Estella didn't know much at all about any of the houses. Despite her step-cousins having already gone to the school, one of which graduated the year before, they hadn’t told her much about it. Her father, nor her step-mother, had been to Hogwarts and so they weren't able to give her much information on it either, not even after she pestered them a number of times.

Estella ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff House which she thought was OK. Everyone there seemed nice and she just hoped she'd be able to make friends, which was definitely a big concern for her as she didn't know anyone. She mainly just hoped she would be able to find a group of people that would accept her despite her Latina heritage. She was sure however that there would be others in the same position as her who came from a different background and she hoped she would easily be able to find them and befriend them.

To help herself make friends, Estella joined the Hogwarts Monthly as an article writer. She enjoyed writing on her own and hoped this would give her work opportunity to be recognised. She mostly worked by herself during the meetings, just wanting to get the article that she was writing for that year perfect.


One of the first people Estella met was a Ravenclaw named Kard Thomas. She met him in the library and the pair of them studied Herbology together briefly whilst also getting to know each other. Her first impression of him was that he was really smart. Soon enough, Estella was starting to find her place within the school. She quickly befriended a good amount of people in her dorm room. Firstly she met Rosemarie Chatwin, followed by both Tilly Drage and Ana Sofia Burleigh, and the four of them became very good friends and weren't usually seen without at least one of each other.

Another person Estella met was Sawyer Carnahan, who was a

Ravenclaw in her year. He owned a muggle radio which Estella found

very interesting and the pair bonded over that as they tried to figure out

how to work it.

Estella did meet her fair share of good people at the school, but also

made some enemies amongst the Gryffindors. She tried her best to stay

away from them however, even as she signed up to hand out roses on

Valentine's Day. It was a very fun activity which Estella was quick to like

as it made her become more familiar with the people she shared her

space with while hopefully spreading some joy. She planned to sign up

for it every year.

When it came to taking subjects, Estella didn't really know what to expect.

She wanted to do her best in them and just hoped that they were all going

to be interesting enough to do so. She never found what her most

favourite subject was, but definitely found her least favourite professor.

The potions professor was quite rude to her friend Rosemarie after she 

simply expressed her opinion, and this put Estella on edge during every class after that, hoping that the potions professor wouldn't be mean ever again despite his mysterious demeanour.

Overall, Estella had a very good first year at Hogwarts. Her Hogwarts Monthly article was about her experience with the Rose Giving and she really had a liking for Valentine's Day after that. The girl had made lots of friends and was excited for yet another year after ending the year with perfect grades.

Teila, 9 years old

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Estella at 8 years of age

Estella's First Year Yearbook Photo

Estella's Yuleball Outfit, 2051


Estella Violetta Fuentes

Biographical Information

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
14 May, 2040
  • Essie (by family)
  • N/A

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Family Information

Family members
  • Juan Fuentes (father)
  • Alejandra Garcia (mother)
  • Violetta Fuentes (paternal grandmother) †
  • Estevan Fuentes (paternal grandfather) †
  • Jane Fuentes (née Renaud) (step-mother) 
  • Genevieve Fuentes (Half-sister)

Magical Characteristics


Curly 10 Inch Felxible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core



  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry New Zealand
    • Hufflepuff House
    • Hogwarts Monthly
    • Conglomerated Arts Club

Estella's Valentine's Dance Outfit, 2053

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Second Year

Estella started her second year with a smile. She wanted to do just as well as she had the year before and was excited for it. Estella and her group of friends had already come up with a small hiding place where they could simply go and gossip in the North Tower. It was a very small space and was firstly covered in many cobwebs before they cleaned it out, but the girls made do, bringing up blankets and cushions to try and make it feel as homey as possible.

For Halloween that year, the girls decided to go as power rangers. Wanting to stand out, Estella decided her outfit should be pink whilst all of the other girls wore yellow. It was a very good night where Estella could just enjoy herself and not worry about what others thought. They didn't win a prize or anything for their efforts, but Estella was still glad that they had done it.

Estella had lots of ideas for her Hogwarts Monthly articles this year. She firstly joined the Conglomerated Arts Event, participating in their activity of making Christmas Cards for loved ones. A couple of people she knew were there, including Sawyer Carnahan, whom she mostly just sat with throughout the whole activity. Her article was based off this event, and she gave it good word for the Ravenclaw leader in hopes that it would be more known and hence more people would join it.

Estella also participated in Hogwarts' first ever Yule Ball Dance Lessons. She figured she was signing up by

herself, but when she arrived, Ana Sofia was there and she had already found a partner. A little bit disgruntled

at this, Estella just paired up with who she was told to and tried her best to enjoy herself. She unfortunately

didn't make friends with the Gryffindor girl that she was paired with, but she really didn't mind considering how

rude Gryffindors had been to her in the past.

Unfortunately, when the second semester rolled around and it was time to sign up for Rose Giving, Estella had

forgotten, and she couldn't have been more devastated. She tried not to let this get to her however as her mind

was set on writing another article. She wanted to write about the Valentine's Dance this time and so made sure

to attend the event in her best red dress, wanting to look as good as possible. She wrote about everyone's

outfits and the atmosphere that came along with it. She rather enjoyed writing this one. Estella also wrote a

recipe for Valentine's Day Cupcakes which she hoped could be made for the next year's Valentine's Dance.

Overall Estella rather enjoyed her second year. She had received perfect grades yet again and was looking

forward to another year where she could write more articles and could take some more subjects that she hoped

would interest her.

Third Year

Estella started off her third year almost missing the Hogwarts Express. Her sister had stolen her hair brush and Estella spent all morning trying to find it so she could brush her hair and pack it into her suitcase. She eventually made it however and hopped on the train where she soon found her friends in a compartment along with a new first year. None of the girls really knew her, but they were happy to all talk during their journey to the castle.

Being her third year, Estella was required to take some new subjects as her electives, and so she chose Divination, Muggle Studies, and Care of Magical Creatures. She rather enjoyed Muggle Studies, looking forward to each of those classes in hopes that soon she would be able to use the muggle laptop that she couldn't even get working yet. Care of Magical Creatures she enjoyed too, but she extremely hated Divination, despite doing alright at the subject. She just didn't understand why it was so important to be looking at the future when she could just enjoy the moment she was currently in. It was a subject she deeply regretted taking.

Estella attended the Halloween ceremony later on that year, dressing up as a possessed doll

which she made sure to style. She wore a thin blue dress with a pink ribbon that went around

her middle, and long white socks. She did her makeup special too, wanting to make it look as

dull and scary as possible, whilst her hair was kept messy and only contained a simple white

pin that she thought matched the dress.

During her third year, Estella also continued to make friends in her year. She spoke more to a Ravenclaw, Oscar Davies,

whom she sat with during breakfast time in the Great Hall one morning. It was then that she wondered whether or not the

eggs were caged or free range, and admittedly the girl was a little bit more worried about what she was putting in her mouth.

She discovered some insecurity within herself and her appearance and tried her best to be a little more conscious of that.

Soon enough, the second semester came around and that meant Estella could sign up for rose delivering again. She was

one of the first to sign up, not wanting to forget it again. The girl spent the whole of Valentine's Day helping deliver all of the

roses and attended the Valentine's Dance that night in a long-sleeved red dress covered in white dots, and long matching

white boots to go along with it. She also brought a matching bag to finish the outfit. Her day and night was re-collected in

her article in the Hogwarts Monthly, which she proudly submitted a few days later.


Despite a good Valentine's Day, Estella was beginning to grow tired of the lessons she was

attending. Divination was definitely draining for the Hufflepuff and she wanted more than

anything to drop the subject as soon as she could. Defence Against The Dark Arts also

proved to be difficult, with her having to face her number one fear during one of her lessons.

Estella, Rosemarie and Tilly all faced a boggart for their fourth lesson together in the professor's office. Estella was very unsure what her fear would be, as it had never really occurred to her. When Estella stepped in front of the wardrobe, it began to erupt in flames, and she watched as her father stepped out of it and the fire spread and engulfed him too. She stood there watching him burn alive for a few moments before she was finally able to defeat the boggart. The fire suddenly turned into rose petals which fell slowly onto the ground and swept itself back into the wardrobe.

Estella's fear of fire was also proven during her Charms class. The class were instructed to cast a fire making spell and Estella couldn't bring herself to do it as she stood and watched her classmates successfully perform it. Her fear overcame her and she quickly ditched the lesson, running out of the classroom. The professor noticed this and Estella was called back to her office to discuss the matter. Estella was sure that she was going to be punished for ditching a class, but instead the professor understood and assured Estella that she didn't need to perform the spell if she didn't feel comfortable doing so. This relieved the girl and she happily thanked the professor.

Overall, Estella enjoyed her third year and definitely learnt a few things along the way. She wasn't looking forward to the following year as she knew her younger sister would be joining her, but she was still excited for what more there was to come.

Fourth Year

During the holidays, Estella had spent a lot of time teaching herself how to make flower crowns. She would steal flowers from her step-mother's garden and intertwine them together whilst following instructions from a book she had found. She came back to Hogwarts excited to show all of her friends.


The start of year feast went as slow as usual, and Estella was happy that her sister Evie had been sorted into Gryffindor House. She figured that was a good place for her and it made perfect sense that she would be sorted into such a place. When the start of year feast ended, Estella made sure to start showing everyone her flower crowns. The first person she showed was Sawyer, and it was then that she learnt that Sawyer's brother Felix was also a first year, but was instead sorted into Hufflepuff House. He also had a pet frog, which made Estella's stomach turn. She really hated frogs and toads.

Estella's hatred for them became more evident when she came across a

Gryffindor in her year that was holding one. The Hufflepuff was disgusted at

the sight of it, telling the girl to put the toad away in case someone wanted to

hurt it. She took this as a threat, and it made Estella dislike Gryffindors even


During the year, Estella made sure to attend the club events. She attended the Conglomerated Arts Club

event during the first semester, and as per usual, started her project with Ana Sofia before allowing Sawyer

to join too. Essie also made sure to attend her Hogwarts Monthly meetings. Her first article was an

interview spotlight with Professor Crabtree - her brand new History of Magic professor who was very laid

back and careless. Her second article was all about her wardrobe where she showcased all of her best

outfits, and her third was a recipe on rose petal chocolate slices.

As her second semester came around, Estella came across a muggle magazine that she had found in the Conglomerated Arts Room. It had some pictures cut out of it that some people were making a collage out of. Essie flicked through the pages, and instantly decided that she would steal it when she spotted some rather pretty and symmetrical looking people within the magazine. She approached her best friend Rosemarie first, knowing that Rosemarie was a muggle-born, and asked her how the people in the pictures looked so perfect. She told her that the models in the magazines just naturally looked so perfect, but still Estella was curious. When she spotted Nikko Blackwood, a photographer for Hogwarts Monthy, she approached him, asking him the exact same question. He went into a lot more detail, telling her that the lighting played quite an important part. Admittedly, Estella found him attractive, and so asked him whether or not he could teach her how it's done so they could spend a little more time together. They planned to take pictures together in the Hogwarts grounds one time.

Essie's fear of heights became apparent when she began wandering the Hogwarts grounds by herself for a change. She made it to the cliffs, standing back from them until a Gryffindor classmate, Flynn North, guilted her into stepping forward. She wanted to show him that she wasn't afraid, however it was very obvious that she was. She made a promise to herself to never step too close to the edge of the cliff again.

When Valentine's Day came around, unfortunately Hogwarts decided not to send any roses to anyone, and this made Essie quite upset. She decided that she would dress up really well for the Valentine's Dance instead, deciding to go with a dress with roses on it to pay tribute to the tradition. As Estella was grabbing a drink from the snacks table, she was spoken to by Ivy Ashworth, who told her to be careful with Sawyer. Angry, and also a little confused, Estella snapped back at her, telling her that if she wanted to speak bad about her friend, then she should just look elsewhere. Essie then quickly found Sawyer the following day by the lake, telling him exactly what happened. He told her that he made a joke that she didn't like about them kissing, and whilst Estella still felt like she hadn't been told the whole story, she was still adamant to stick by his side no matter what.

Towards the end of the year, Essie felt herself becoming a little overwhelemed with her classes, and with her friends around her dropping a lot of them, she needed some help to decide which ones she wanted to drop. She approached her Head of House about it, who gave her some good advice, and even gave her some pointers on some career options she had for after Hogwarts. Despite this, she decided she would stick with her current subjects for another year before deciding to drop any too soon. She had come this far and she wasn't going to give up just yet.

Overall, Estella had a really good fourth year, despite the drama, and had even earned herself the title of the top house points earner for Hufflepuff, making her extremely happy.

Fifth Year

During the school holidays before Estella's fifth year, she visited Harper's house in the muggle world. Harper

taught her how to use her muggle laptop and managed to get it working again, which Estella was very thankful for.

She had learnt a lot that day, and more than she would ever learn in a single muggle-studies class. Also during 

the holidays, she accidentally ran into a boy at the shopping centre, who apologised and offered to carry her bags.

He attended Beauxbatons Academy and Estella found this rather interesting, however he seemed more interested

in Hogwarts. His name was Ares.

Coming back to Hogwarts, Essie was a little nervous about seeing Nikko again after they exchanged a few letters

during the break. She had received the title of prefect, alongside her best friend Rose, as well as the title of

Assistant Editor for the Hogwarts Monthly, and this made her a little more confident for the year ahead. During the

first week back, Nikko asked Essie to hang out with him, and the pair officially began dating, which Essie boasted

about during the next Conglomerated Arts Event to Ana and Sawyer. The pair of them spent a lot of time together,

including picnics on the grounds, but Estella still tried her best to hang out with her friends, promising "besties over

boys". Luckily, Rose was then dating Oscar Davies, which made it a little easier for her.

As Estella studied for her OWLs in the library, she was approached by the boy she had met

over the break. He had transferred to the school and was sorted into Slytherin House. Ares

soon became a good friend of Estella's, and the pair of them even sat next to each other during most of their classes as they became study buddies.

Estella attended the Halloween Feast as a Milkmaid, mostly because she was running out of ideas but didn't want to miss out on all of the fun. She also attended the Yule Ball, and for the first time, with a date. Essie and Nikko had a great night dancing to almost every song, and Essie wouldn't take the night back for the world. She wrote the headliner for the Hogwarts Monthly that semester, as well as an article about how to keep oneself occupied during the semester break, which were both handed in with more than enough time to spare. She had been keeping herself very organised and was in an excellent mood during the whole semester.

With the second semester underway, Essie took a leadership role this time with

delivering the roses, alongside seventh year Slytherin Nicole Fisk, who had been doing

it for the last couple of years. With Nicole's help, she organised the event, taking the

deliveries and distributing them to people who were helping deliver. It had been a rather

successful event, but also rather tiring, and Essie was glad when it was finally all over

and she was able to attend the Valentine's Dance with Nikko.


The Valentine's Dance ended up being quite boring to Estella as she was feeling like things with Nikko were

starting to get a little repetitive. She was tired of just dancing and not doing much else, and so was quick to

excuse herself to get some drinks. However, on the way over, she spotted Sawyer ducking out and quickly

followed after him. The pair of them spoke for a while before exchanging a kiss, in which Estella started. They

were caught in the act however, by Nikko who had been looking for Estella. Estella ran off, shaking and with

tears running down her face. Her sister quickly found her on the way up to her dormitory and the pair of them

spoke in the abandoned classroom, where Evie made her feel a little better and convinced her to tell her friends

the truth.

The rest of the semester was a little awkward, with Nikko and Essie not speaking for the remainder of it. They actively avoided each other and the pair of them never officially broke up. Things were a little sad with the Hogwarts Monthly as well, with the editor Poppy graduating, and Essie couldn't help but feel like a part of her would be missing without her as a mentor. For a second time, Estella earned the title of the most house points earner for Hufflepuff, however this did not make her feel any happier.

Sixth Year

Estella spent the break feeling quite sorry about herself. She needed to distract herself, and so picked up a job at Madam Malkin's robes and was taught how to sew by an older Slytherin graduate. She enjoyed this, but not as much as she would have if she didn't have all of her regrets lingering in the back of her mind. 

When Estella came back to Hogwarts, she discovered that Poppy had given her the title of the Hogwarts Monthly Editor. She was happy for this, although she felt at the time that the title was undeserved. She held her very first meeting hoping to make a good first impression as leader to the group. This backfired on her however, as what she hoped would be a friendly game of story-telling, turned into an argument about why she hadn't addressed the fact that a Basilisk entered the school grounds the year before. With everything on Estella's mind, she simply wanted to draw away from that fact, and felt embarrassed that her very first meeting as Editor had not gone as planned.

To make matters worse, Essie realised just how much she had messed up when she tried approaching her friends. Harper no longer wanted anything to do with her, which broke her heart and impacted her more than she ever thought it would. She knew she needed to try and turn things around if she wanted to try and redeem herself, and the only way to do this was apologising to Nikko and facing her fears. With nothing but her friends in mind, Estella did just this. It was awkward, but she managed to do it, and whilst both her and Nikko didn't even end up being friends, the air was at least cleared as well as it could be.

As the year progressed, Essie's feelings for Sawyer grew. The idea of speaking to him made her extremely

nervous and she was unsure how to talk to him again after everything that had happened. With no one to

really turn to, Essie had not choice but to keep it all to herself. She attended the Halloween Feast as a Bloody

Samurai, hoping to use this as a distraction. She hung out with Rose and Oscar, who were now officially a

couple, and avoided bumping into Sawyer at all costs. She also avoided him during the Conglomerated Arts

Club Meeting, but it was just getting harder as each day passed.

Eventually, Sawyer and Essie spoke again after Sawyer confronted her

between classes. She was a bit taken aback at this, but tried her best to

continue on as if nothing happened, as that was clearly what Sawyer had

wanted too. Sawyer invited her to have lunch with him, and Essie was finally

feeling a little bit more cheerful. The pair of them went to the Yule Ball together

as well, however Essie was still unsure about Sawyer's intentions and so

tried her best to keep it friendly.

Later that semester, Estella and the other Hufflepuff prefects decided to hold a Hufflepuff Bakeoff where Hufflepuffs could bring plus ones from other houses to team up with and bake some cupcakes using hidden ingredients that they had to find. This turned out to be somewhat of a success and Essie thoroughly enjoyed herself.

With Essie's mood slowly getting better, her friends were still very little, and the teen knew she had to keep them close. When she found Ares quite distraught in the Student Lounge over his boyfriend, she tried her best to be sympathetic and helped him as much as she could. She knew she couldn't offer much advice, but just tried to be there for him in his time of need, grateful that he was still willing to also be her friend despite everything that had happened.

Overall, Essie's year didn't start out too well, but she had made it through with somewhat of a smile on her face. Her first two issues of the Hogwarts Monthly as the Editor were both a success, and it was one of the things that was still holding her strong.


Seventh Year

Coming into her Seventh year, Estella wanted to do nothing more than focus on her studies so she could get the best grades possible. Undoubtedly, Sawyer was still on her mind, but she tried her best to not let it get to her anymore. She couldn't be thinking about boys right now when there were a lot of other things to worry about.

The first Hogwarts Monthly meeting consisted of some passionate debates. Estella wanted everyone to speak passionately about what they loved, hoping this would inspire them all to write some good articles for that year. She wanted the two issues this year to mean the most as they would be her last.

For Halloween, Estella decided to go as an elf. It had a Christmas feel to it, but she wanted to look good during her last year, even if it didn't win her any prizes. She hung out with Ana during the event, who was dressed as a Basketball player, and by any means, tried to avoid Sawyer. It was a lot harder than it seemed however, with him also being part of the Conglomerated Arts Club. While Estella was wanting to bake something during the club event, Sawyer approached her, and Essie awkwardly questioned him as to why he wasn't over with the other guys playing music. She still really liked Sawyer, but remind herself that she couldn't be getting distracted by him at this point.

When the Yule Ball came around, she attended the event by herself, just wanting to

spend time with the friends in her house. During the break, Estella discovered that her

half-sister Geneveieve was beginning to do Animagus training. This shocked her a little

as she didn't expect the Gryffindor to keep herself dedicated enough to be able to do it,

but she was pleased nonetheless as it would mean there would be a distraction so she

would stop bothering her.

The Valentine's Dance was also quite ordinary, however Essie decided to wear her best dress yet. It was long

and red, and definitely made a statement compared to the other outfits at the event. She obviously mentioned

this in the Hogwarts Monthly article that she wrote for that semester.

As the year was coming to an end, Essie couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed with everything that she

hadn't finished yet. The Monthly still had a bit to go before it was published, and with all of the teen's class

assignments piling up and her NEWT exams right around the corner, it was getting to be quite a lot. Eventually

however, she had done it, and in no time was sitting the exams. Spectacularly, she received an Outstanding in

all of the subjects she was doing, and this really put a smile on her face and relief that all of her hard work had

paid off. It was sad to let the position as Editor for the Monthly go, but she signed off as best as she could, and

was hopeful that she had left the Monthly in good hands with River Hopkins-Vance who was in the year below her.

The graduation was a success, and with tears in her eyes, Essie was ready to face the world.

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Estella's Halloween Costume, 2052: Pink Power Ranger

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Estella's Valentine's Dance Outfit, 2054

Estella's 2053 Halloween Costume: Possessed Doll

Estella's Third Year Yearbook Photo

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Estella's Fourth Year Yearbook Photo

Estella's Halloween Costume, 2054: A Halloween Princess

Estella's Valentine's Dance Outfit, 2055

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Estella's Fifth Year Yearbook Photo

Estella's Halloween Costume, 2055: A Milkmaid

Estella's Valentine's Dance Outfit, 2056

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Estella's Halloween Costume, 2056: A Bloody Samurai

Estella's Sixth Year Yearbook Photo

Estella's Yule Ball Outfit, 2056

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Estella's Halloween Costume, 2057: An Elf

Estella's Valentine's Dance Outfit, 2058

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Estella's Seventh Year Yearbook Photo

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Estella's Sign-off for the Hogwarts Monthly


In Action


Physical Appearance

Estella has a pale complexion with long dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a slim, yet athletic figure. She wears

her hair in a variety of ways and enjoys straightening and curling it. Often you will also find her wearing a

variety of outfits, including bright dresses and skirts, athletic wear, heels, and jeans and a jacket.


Estella in action.

Music: "Pretty Girl" by Maggie Lindemann

A more accurate depiction of Estella, made with artbreeder


Personality and traits

 "Estella can be quite full on when she wants to be. The centre of attention is her stage. She always has her own secrets to keep, and sometimes I think it's because she gets up to a lot of things that she doesn't want people to know about. She struggles sometimes to think before she says anything, but she is intelligent, more intelligent than she will ever know, and can go on to do great things."
     - Juan, Estella's father, describing Estella's personality.

Estella is very protective of her family and enjoys the company of others, caring deeply about her younger half-sister despite how much they banter. She cares a lot about her appearance and what others think, always wanting to impress others and fit in to other people's standards. She is quite girly, taking the time to apply makeup almost everyday and making sure her hair is always perfect. She does this mainly so people can like her, and not so much because she enjoys doing it.


Estella has quite good leadership skills, always taking initiative in social situations and organising events with her friends. She always has to know everything, even if it is extremely insignificant, and will often go out of her way to find things out. She isn’t very good at keeping secrets that aren’t her own, and so once Estella finds something out, everyone will eventually know. She loves gossiping amongst her friends and is quite selfish, not wanting to do anything unless it is for personal gain. Estella is also very insecure, and sometimes sensitive, and strives to be noticed by everyone. She seeks validation, and when she gets it, she is determined to keep going and try her best. She loves having a good reputation and goes above and beyond to try and prove herself to others. Although she is usually nice, she is often naive and tends to jump into situations without thinking ahead or knowing the full story.

Estella is quite intelligent and quite good with muggle electronics. Her mother left behind a laptop which Estella taught herself to use and loves using. Estella is good at using her hands, and is also quite a good dancer, which she has done for most of her life. When Estella is focused on something, she is always so focused that she doesn’t know what is going on around her. It will make her angry if someone purposely distracts her whilst she is trying to do something. Estella is quite ambitious and innovative and loves thinking of creative ways to make things work easier for herself.


Magical abilities and skills

Writing: Estella has always been good with her words, particularly when it comes to writing them down. She writes very good articles for the Hogwarts Monthly and she really enjoys doing it. She always likes to find the most interesting thing to write about to make the most interesting story.



Wand: Before Estella's first year she purchased her first wand: Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core.

Old Muggle Laptop: Estella often carries around her biological mother's old laptop that she left behind in 2040. She was given it at ten years of age and since then has been trying to find out how exactly it works.

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Estella and Evie

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Estella and her father, Juan Fuentes

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Evie Fuentes

"I guess my father is right - I really love blaming things on [Evie]."

- Estella on Evie.

Evie Fuentes (also known as Genevieve) is Estella's half-sister. The pair of them fight a lot and are always stealing each other's belongings. Often Estella will blame Evie for things that she didn't do, whilst Evie easily gets mad at Estella more than anyone else that she knows, and it is difficult for Evie to keep her cool around her. They are typical sisters.

In 2047, Estella attempted to steal one of Evie's toy ponies, but was taken aback when it flew across the room away from her. This was Evie's first magical outburst. Evie then decided to get back at her and prank Estella by wetting a clump of dirt and putting it on Estella's bed, making it look like someone/something had defecated on her bed. Estella did not like this and didn't speak to her sister for a few weeks after.

Juan Fuentes

Juan Fuentes is Estella's father. Ever since she was born he has always been by her side, even when her

mother left unexpectedly and he remarried. He is her number one supporter and often spoils her and gives her

a lot more than she deserves. She is not afraid to admit that she is a daddy's girl.






Rosemarie Chatwin

Rosemarie Chatwin is Estella's best friend whom she met in her first year at Hogwarts. She was also sorted into Hufflepuff House and the pair of them shared a dormitory together and attended most classes together. 

In 2053, Rosemarie was one of the first to witness Estella's boggart take shape, and Estella was one of the first to see Rosemarie's boggart take shape. Rosemarie's boggart consisted of her sister trampling over her garden. Unfortunately, it was much too scary for Rosemarie, and she passed out, waking up a few moments later.



Sawyer Carnahan

"There was always something about [Sawyer] that Essie couldn't quite explain, and it was definitely due to

the fact he made her feel many emotions at once. Like she could explode at any minute."

-Estella on Sawyer.


Sawyer Carnahan is a good friend of Estella's and is in the same year as her and sorted into Ravenclaw House.

The pair of them met in their first year when Sawyer was attempting to work a muggle radio. Estella took a lot

of interest in this as she rather enjoys learning about muggle technology, and tried her best to help him and offer

some advice on what to do. Sawyer is also a member of the Conglomerated Arts Club, and the pair of them

often work together during the activities and it makes being in the club more fun for Estella.

Essie has mostly always had a crush on Sawyer, for reasons she can't even comprehend herself. She first

kissed him during the Valentine's Dance in her fifth year, whilst on a date with her boyfriend at the time, Nikko.

It was from then that the pair of them became awkwardly closer.

Oscar Davies

Oscar Davies is a good friend of Estella's and is in the same year as her and sorted into Ravenclaw House. They began talking in their second year when Oscar was having a little bit of trouble getting his owl to send a letter. They often have breakfast together at each other's house table and hang out with each other during classes.

Ana Sofia Burleigh

Ana Sofia was one of Estella's first friends at Hogwarts. The pair of them both share a creative streak and

they both were part of the Conglomerated Arts Club. They often did projects together and gave each other

some really good ideas. Estella loved creating things with her.

Nikko Blackwood

Nikko Blackwood was a Gryffindor in the year above Estella and a photographer for the Hogwarts Monthly. Estella always found him attractive. During her fourth year she asked him for some photography advice in order to grab his attention. They sent many letters to each other over the holidays and began dating during Estella's fifth year. This quickly ended however when Estella kissed Sawyer on the night of the Valentine's Dance, and Essie consequently lost many friends because of this, including acquaintance Harper Alston.

Poppy Perkins

"I'm going to miss you."

-Estella's first and last words to Poppy at the farewell party.


Poppy Perkins was a Ravenclaw two years above Estella. She became Editor of the Hogwarts Monthly in 2054 when Estella was in her fourth year. The pair of them grew close as Poppy appointed Estella as Assistant Editor the following year. They worked closely together and Estella soon found a friend in her. 

Estella and Rosemarie at Hogwarts during their first year

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Estella and Oscar


Estella and Sawyer

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Estella and Ana

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Estella and Nikko


Photo Gallery

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Estella and Rose

Estella, Rose and Ana

Courtesy of Kris

Courtesy of Kris



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Estella is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "star". A common nickname is 'Essie'. Estella's first name is after her paternal grandfather Estevan Fuentes.


Violetta is a girl's name of Italian origin meaning "purple". It is a more vibrantly coloured, feminissima form of 'Violet'. Estella's middle name is Violetta after her paternal grandmother.


Fuentes is a Spanish language surname meaning "fountains".

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