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The Hope Family

Pictured:  Eleanor Hope, Annabelle Hope, Lilyanna Hope

Hope is the surname of a Mixed Blood wizarding family located in New Zealand. They have lived in New Zealand their whole life with no ethnic ancestry. They are well-known for helping people and have had a few healers in past generations that have all excelled in their field. They were mostly always sorted into Hufflepuff House.



Simon Hope, son of Psychologist Rowena Hope and Healer Bob Hope, attended Hogwarts Scotland in 2012 at the customary age of 11 and was sorted into Hufflepuff House to no surprise to his family. He became prefect in his fifth year, but unfortunately did not become Head Boy. He graduated in 2018 and continued living with his family in their home in New Zealand. He met Annabelle Renaud on a trip to France with his parents in 2020 at 19 years of age. They kept in contact for a couple of years, sending each other owls, until they finally saw each other again a year later and began dating. Annabelle moved in with Simon in a new apartment that he purchased, and Annabelle paid him rent. He worked as a Curse Breaker at the Ministry of Magic whilst she was a Magizoologist. They married in 2027.


In 2028, Bob Hope passed away, and this was when Simon decided on a career change. He became a healer to follow his father’s footsteps and finish off his job. This was around the time Annabelle fell pregnant with twins. Annabelle and Simon moved out into a decently-sized home for them. The twins were born on the 1st of June, 2029. They were identical twins and the only real difference was Eleanor’s rounder face and a faded freckle on Lilyanna’s cheek. Personality wise however, they were very much different. Lilyanna was always quieter, more stubborn, and much less likely to take risks.


In 2040, Lilyanna and Eleanor began attending Hogwarts New Zealand at the customary age of 11. They were sorted into Slytherin House and Hufflepuff House respectively. Both of them did quite well in school, with Eleanor finding her love for Herbology quickly in her first year and Lilyanna also quickly finding her love for Astronomy. As soon as she could, Eleanor picked up a job at the Ice Cream shop, wanting to make some money that she knew she would need for her future.


Lilyanna was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2043. She did well in subjects that didn’t require the use of magic as she found it terribly hard to use her wand. The same year, Eleanor became the Queen of Flowers for the Wild Patch Club and organised a time capsule to be planted in a nearby park, resulting in lots of popularity. Lilyanna also began writing articles for the Hogwarts Monthly alongside her friend Diane Winters. 


Eleanor met Jerara Tapsell, a Ravenclaw two years below her, in late 2043 during the Yule Ball. They were very good friends. Jerara worked at Honeydukes, which was a sweets store, and he often bought sweets for her which they hung out and ate together during their free time. They began dating in November, 2044.


Both girls became prefects in their fifth year. In 2045, Lilyanna came out as Lesbian to her family. Eleanor organised a Pride Event to take place at Hogwarts on her behalf. Lilyanna also began dating Diane Winters, which was kept a secret at first but soon became official, with Eleanor being the first to find out.


Eleanor and Jerara broke up the year she graduated due to distance, however they still kept in close contact and stayed as friends. Her and Lilyanna moved out in a small cottage near the countryside where Eleanor had an abundance of plants growing in a greenhouse that she donated to charity. It wasn’t until 5 years after they graduated that Lilyanna became the Astronomy professor at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, whilst Eleanor ran a business selling her plants as potions ingredients. She still gave some to charity and even kept her job at the Ice Cream shop.

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The Hope Family

Family Heritage

Blood Status

Notable Family Members
  • Bob Hope †
  • Rowena Hope
  • Simon Hope
  • Annabelle Hope
  • Lilyanna Hope
  • Eleanor Hope


Related Families
  • Renaud
  • Vernier
  • Fuentes



  • Slytherin
  • Hufflepuff
  • Hogwarts Scotland
    • Hufflepuff House
  • Hogwarts New Zealand
    • Hufflepuff House
    • Slytherin House
    • Wild Patch Club
    • Hogwarts Monthly
  • Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
    • Astronomy Department


The last name Hope is derived from the UK from the name of a topographical feature - a small enclosed valley.

Behind the scenes

  • The Hope's are portrayed by:

    • Bailee Madison, who portrayed both Lilyanna and Eleanor Hope during 2029-2049.

    • Ingrid Nilsen, who portrays both Lilyanna and Eleanor Hope since 2050.

    • Ginnifer Goodwin, who portrays Annabelle Hope.

  • If Annabelle attended Hogwarts, she probably would have been sorted into Slytherin House.

  • The Hope Family is extant in the female line.

The Hope Family Residency

Simon and Annabelle Hope first lived together in New Zealand in a small modern apartment in 2022. They moved out in 2028 once finding out they were starting a family into a decently-sized family home with three bedrooms. The family all lived there together until 2050 when the twins decided to move into a small double-storey cottage near the countryside. The floor plan of this cottage is below.

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Lilyanna and Eleanor's Cottage

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