The Elliston Family
Pictured: Sophie Elliston and Tony Elliston
Elliston is the surname of a Muggle family located in New Zealand. They may have had some distant magical blood, however this is unknown. At least one member, Sophie Elliston, was a Muggle-born witch. They were related by marriage to the Carter family and to the wizarding family Owens.
Tony and Katherine Elliston had two children in 1996. They were fraternal twins named Brian and Pippa. They attended a Muggle school in New Zealand, however in 2003, Pippa passed away from brain cancer at 7 years old. It came very suddenly and there was not much the family could do, even after sending Pippa to radiation therapy sessions and following all of the doctor’s orders. Brian was then an only child and very well looked after by his parents. He met a fellow muggle by the name of Jasmine Carter who he attended high school with in 2010. She was 4 years below him. They didn’t romantically connect until after they both graduated school. This was when Jasmine told Brian about her brother and sister’s magical abilities and the wizarding world was introduced to the Elliston family.
Brian Elliston and Jasmine Carter married and had three children, Noah, Katie and Sophie. The first two were muggles, however in 2041, at five years of age, Sophie began displaying some magical abilities. The following year, Katherine Elliston passed away from old age, which was a big loss to the family.
Sophie was not introduced to the magical world until the year before she began attending Hogwarts New Zealand. In 2047, Sophie began attending Hogwarts New Zealand at the customary age of 11 and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. She quite liked the magical world, however was a little hesitant about not being able to use technology. She soon managed to get used to it however as she had both her cousins and her uncle, Landon Carter, at the school to help her. She made it onto the quidditch team as a chaser and joined the Student Defence Association as she quite enjoyed Defence Against The Dark Arts. She thought it was a rather important skill to have.
In August, 2050, Brian Elliston passed away from Paget’s Disease which transformed into a cancerous bone disease. His death had happened slowly and over time, but Sophie did not understand what was happening until his actual death. She did not realise the implications of the disease and so it hit her suddenly as she started back at Hogwarts for her fourth year. She didn’t keep her position on the Quidditch Team as she no longer felt motivated for it anymore, but kept her position in the Student Defence Association, feeling as though she would be able to take out her anger doing that. However, it wasn't all that it seemed and Sophie soon found herself giving that up as well as she just couldn't motivate herself to do anything anymore, including attending classes. She was diagnosed with depression in 2051 and began seeing a counsellor. Sophie’s best friend was Selene Le Fey. She stayed with her through everything, and Sophie was always opening up to her the most.
In 2053, Tony Elliston passed away from old age, and this really saddened the Elliston family. Noah Elliston moved out of home to live with his partner in a small apartment so that he could get away from all of the sadness. The house was even more quiet as it was then just the women of the family. It wasn’t until Sophie’s seventh year that she had her first boyfriend, Chrysander Kaster. However, this ended badly, and so Sophie decided to rebel. In early 2054, during Sophie’s mid-year break, she purchased a Fake ID from one of Noah’s friends and used it to enter a muggle bar. She met an older guy there who took her home to his house. The pair of them hooked up that night and Sophie did not even get his name. During Sophie’s last semester at Hogwarts New Zealand, she was experiencing side effects of the pregnancy. It was four weeks in when she knew that she was pregnant, however she didn’t tell anyone, not even Selene.
Upon coming back home after her seventh year at Hogwarts, Sophie's mother had soon discovered her secret. The teen's pregnancy was not hard to notice at all at this point, being 5 months in, and naturally her mother became angry. It was much too late to do anything at that point, and Sophie was lucky that she hadn't been showing too much during her time at Hogwarts, as that could have put her in a lot of trouble. Sophie's mother reluctantly supported her throughout it, but her older sister Katie was the most helpful, and even went baby shopping with her.
Sophie had a baby girl in November 2054. She named it Brianna Kate Selene Elliston, after her father Brian, her sister Kate, and her best friend Selene.

The Elliston Family
Family Heritage
Blood Status
Notable Family Members
Muggle (with some wizarding ancestry)
Tony Elliston †
Brian Elliston †
Pippa Elliston †
Jasmine Elliston (née Carter)
Noah Elliston
Sophie Elliston
Kate Elliston
Brianna Elliston
Related Families
Hogwarts New Zealand
Ravenclaw House
Student Defence Association
Ravenclaw Quidditch Team
Le Fey Family
Monet Family
The surname Elliston is from the medieval personal name "Elis", which was the normal vernacular form of the biblical name "Elijah". The name was "Elias" in Greek, from the Hebrew "Eliyahn", meaning "Jehovah is God".
Behind the scenes
The Elliston's are portrayed by:
Emily Kinney, who portrays Sophie Elliston
Josh Dallas, who portrays Brian Elliston
Scott Wilson, who portrays Tony Elliston
Brighton Sharbino, who portrays Brianna Elliston
If Brian Elliston possessed magical ability and attended Hogwarts, he probably would have been sorted into Ravenclaw House.