Genevieve Fuentes
Genevieve Annaleah Fuentes (b. 27 July, 2043) is a Mixed-blood wizard and the youngest daughter of Juan and Jane Fuentes (née Renaud). Genevieve attended Hogwarts New Zealand in 2054.
Early Life (2043-2053)
Genevieve was born on the twenty-first day of July in 2043 in Dunedin, New
Zealand to a Mixed Blood mother and father. Her father attended Castlebroux
school from 2022-2029, whilst her mother attended Beauxbatons from
2023-2030. They met in New Zealand where they crossed paths and eventually
married before having Genevieve in the same year.
When Evie was four years old, she fell out of a tree that she was climbing and
cut her knee open, resulting in her having to get stitches and a scar just above
her knee that is about an inch long.
Evie's first magical outburst happened a year later when she was five years old.
She didn't want her sister to steal her toy pony, and just as her sister was about
to take it, the pony flew across the room away from her.
Hogwarts Years (2054-2061)
First Year
Evie was very excited to finally be attending Hogwarts and hoped that there would be some fun adventures ahead. She was sorted into Gryffindor House away from her older sister. This didn't bother her too much, and at least that meant Evie could get up to some mischief without Estella knowing.
One of the first things Evie decided to do the day after she was sorted was start some mischief. She planned a prank that she hoped someone would fall for. She stole an apple pie from the Great Hall and placed it in the middle of the corridor. Then, she taped a thin piece of rope across the hallway at feet level and sat in a hiding spot to see who would be fooled. It didn't take long before a fellow first year fell face first into the apple pie, causing Evie to laugh hysterically. The girl was sorted into Hufflepuff and her name was Molly Burke. They sat next to each other in all of the classes that they had together, and also spent time together outside of classes as they explored the Hogwarts Grounds. Soon enough Evie was able to call her a close friend.
Evie also met a few other friendly faces whilst she was exploring the
Hogwarts Grounds. Guilia Alcott, a Ravenclaw in her year who was
from France, struggled to speak English to Felix Carnahan, who was
a Hufflepuff also in her year. Evie knew how to speak French, and so
tried her best to help Guilia communicate. This was also the start of a
good friendship.
When Halloween came around, Evie had no idea that it was time for
dressing up until her older sister told her last minute. Struggling to
find something so quickly, Evie took an old skateboard she had found
and a helmet and decided to go to the Halloween Feast as a skater
girl. It was a very simple costume compared to everyone else's, and
so Evie made sure that she would put more effort into her one next
As the second semester came around, Evie was a little upset that she
could no longer take flying classes. This disappointment was soon
gone however as she discovered just how interesting Transfiguration was. She enjoyed turning quills into spoons and was really excited about what else she could do within that class. It soon became her favourite one. Her least favourite class on the other hand was History of Magic, however it did provide some insightful information on muggles that Evie thought was rather important. She didn't like how muggles used to burn people that they thought were magical, and became a little upset when she tried telling her sister all about it and was shut down. It was at this point that Evie came to the conclusion that she did not like muggles.
Towards the end of the year, Evie was invited to a sleepover in the abandoned classroom. Molly and Guilia were there, as well as a few other first year girls. Evie wore her green dragon pyjamas.
Overall, Genevieve had done surprisingly well in her studies, receiving an O in everything except for Charms and Astronomy where she received an EE.

Genevieve's Halloween Costume, 2054: Skater Girl
Genevieve's First Year Yearbook Photo

Biological Information
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
21 July, 2043
St Mungo's Hospital, New Zealand
Too Young To Care
Evie (by everyone)
Physical Information
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Family Information
Family members
Mariana Renaud (maternal grandmother)
Benjamin Renaud (maternal grandfather)
Violetta Fuentes (paternal grandmother) †
Estevan Fuentes (paternal grandfather) †
Jane Fuentes (née Renaud) (mother)
Juan Fuentes (father)
Estella Fuentes (half-sister)
Anastasie Vernier (maternal cousin)
Lucie Vernier (maternal cousin)
Louis Vernier (maternal cousin)
Lilyanna Hope (maternal cousin)
Eleanor Hope (maternal cousin)
Magical Characteristics
Fuentes Family
Hope Family
Vernier Family
Hogwarts New Zealand
Gryffindor House
Genevieve Annaleah Fuentes
Second Year
Evie started her second year very excited to finally be able to try out for the Quidditch Team. Her father
had promised to buy her a broom of her own if she made the team and she couldn't wait to show everyone
her skills. She waited anxiously for the results. She saw her friend's names on the list but was unable to
find her own. This deeply saddened her, but she just stayed quiet about it, despite feeling some heartache.
Evie did not show up to watch the first couple of Quidditch games. She stayed in her dormitory for a lot of the time, not even feeling the motivation to explore the castle as she had during her previous year at Hogwarts. She spoke to Molly less, despite them still being best friends, and she just kept quiet and kept to herself as much as she could.
Bored, and a little angry, Evie used a bar of soap that spawned frogs once it was wet in the abandoned classroom, releasing frogs throughout the room. A Slytherin classmate caught her doing it, but she denied any knowledge of it, and barely cared when a professor asked her to collect them all up.
For Halloween, Evie still attended the event wearing the costume she had planned.
It was a night where she just pretended to be happy, showing off her dragon
costume that her parents had helped her put together.
As the year progressed, Evie could feel herself getting a little better. She wanted to
try and motivate herself to try-out for the team again next year, and maybe even join
the Student Defence Association. Her sister had been the one to inspire her when
she found out that she was doing so well in the Hogwarts Monthly. She would never
admit it, but Evie wanted to be like her with the prefect status and the popularity, but
she wasn’t sure if she’d ever get there.
Finally Evie picked up the motivation to go exploring the night of the Valentine's Dance. With everyone too
busy celebrating in the Great Hall, Evie thought this would be the perfect opportunity. She headed towards
the abandoned classroom, wanting to find out its secrets and why it was abandoned. As she made her way
there however, she spotted her sister heading in the opposite direction, crying. Evie was quick to stop her
and pull her into the abandoned classroom to ask her what was wrong. She found out that her sister kissed
a boy that wasn't her boyfriend and convinced her to be honest and tell her friends. It was the first time Evie
had given her advice and was a good bonding time for the sisters.
Evie ended the year well, despite the fact her grades reflected her attitude for the most of it. She was feeling a little more motivated now and hoped this would help her when she tried out for the team again next year.
Third Year
Genevieve was definitely feeling a lot better than she did last year and just wanted to keep positive in hopes that this would help her do well. She tried out for the Quidditch team again and was delighted to have made it as an alternate beater. She was a little disappointed that a couple of her friends were unable to join her, but she was glad for herself that she had made it. She always looked forward to attending practice with the team and hoped this would help her improve so she could be the best version of herself on the pitch.
On top of Quidditch, Evie also tried out the muggle sport of football. She kicked a ball around for a little with a year mate named Seamus. She wasn't the best at it, and found quidditch to be much more exciting, but was happy to try out something new and delve a little deeper into the world of muggles.
When Halloween came around, Evie decided to go as a cat. She wore a leather costume with pink cat ears and a tail. It wasn't as amazing as her costume the year before, but it was comfortable and at least she was able to put in some effort compared to others.
As the year continued and Evie was feeling a lot more confident within herself after playing a couple of games of Quidditch, the girl decided that she would take a chance and ask her current Transfiguration professor if she could have a go at becoming an animagus. It was something that had been on her mind for a while and she was delighted that the professor was willing to help her, even though he warned it was going to be tough. Professor Abberline and herself spent hours on training, and Evie even stuck her head into a book that the professor gave her, determined to succeed. She didn't mind that it was taking her away from some of her classes as she just wanted to prove to herself that she could do it.
Overall, Evie had a good year at Hogwarts and was looking forward to the next one.

Genevieve's Second Year Yearbook Photo
Genevieve's Halloween Costume, 2055: A Dragon

Physical Appearance
Evie hates having her hair in her face and so tries her best to keep it as short as possible. If it gets a little
bit long, she will tend to braid it as that is the best way to keep it out of her way. She has dark brown eyes,
just like her mother and father and a scar about an inch in size just below her left knee as she fell out of a
tree when she was 4 years old and needed stitches. Evie generally wears jeans and a leather jacket in
winter, or denim shorts and a simple waist-length t-shirt in summer.
Personality and traits
"Evie is the only person ever to get on my nerves so quickly. She's a tom boy, energetic, and loves pulling pranks on people that she thinks deserves it. Life is fun and games to her."
- Estella Fuentes, Genevieve's half-sister, describing Genevieve's personality.
Evie loves to explore, whether that be with her hands and her eyes, or going on adventures wherever her feet may take her. She has a very curious soul and loves moving from project to project rather sporadically, learning from everything around her as she goes. She’s extremely unpredictable, making her difficult to understand. Whilst she can be kind and loyal for a while, she builds up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning and can be stubborn and hot-headed, causing her to be unlikeable to some people. It isn’t too hard to annoy Evie, especially if you’re in the way of her achieving a goal. She is very determined and does not respect those that offer criticism as she almost always interprets it as bad, meaning there is a little bit of insecurity within her that she really hates to admit. She hates asking people for advice and would much rather tackle things on her own, even without thinking of the possible consequences as she generally thinks more with her heart than her head. This is because her mind works at a very fast pace and she focuses more on what she wants the end result to be rather than calculating everything in between. Evie is never overly cautious, even when it comes to people’s feelings, and she is not one to avoid stepping on people’s toes. This means that sometimes she can go too far, pranking people in mean ways with the intention of them hopefully laughing too. However, she accepts retaliation as fair play and finds people pulling pranks on her also fun.
Evie really likes large and interesting creatures, especially dragons. She also enjoys going outdoors and getting dirty whilst going on adventures. She doesn’t like when things get in her way and this is when she often becomes the most frustrated and will take her frustration out on others, whether that be through harmless pranks or giving them a simple mouthful to let them know their boundaries. Whilst she is a busy person however, she often messes up her priorities and will complete things she wants to do first before completing the things she has to. When it comes to stupidity, Evie often finds it hard to tolerate and can be very impatient. Despite being quite loyal to those close to her, she will often not want to waste her time talking to people that don’t understand what she’s trying to say after she’s said it the first time. She hates repeating herself or re-explaining things and would rather act than spend her time planning. Evie likes to make memories. She loves taking people on adventures with her and strives to be remembered as the ‘fun one’. It is important for her to prove herself to almost everyone she meets and she strives to find glory in almost everywhere that she goes. This is because she wants to be remembered for more than just being her sister’s little sister. She wants her actions to influence others and leave an everlasting good impression that makes people happy. Evie really values justice, and when it comes to conflict, Evie does not hesitate defending her friends. She likes dealing with situations directly and doesn’t like to take the long road to anything. She appreciates people that have the same sense of humour as her and the people she surrounds herself with are generally very similar to herself as they share similar values and interests.
A more accurate depiction of Genevieve, made with artbreeder
Magical abilities and skills
text: text.
Wand: Before Genevieve's first year she purchased her first wand: Knotted 15 Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core.
Large Owl: Before Genevieve's first year her mother purchased her a new pet that she could take with her whilst she would have to leave the family dog behind. She named him Wilfred.
Green Dragon Pyjamas: Evie has owned a pair of green dragon pyjamas since she was 9. They started out to be quite big on her, and now they almost fit perfectly. They are her favourite thing to wear to bed.
Genevieve is primarily a female name of French origin that means Woman Of The Family.
Annaleah combines "Anna," which comes from the biblical name "Hannah," meaning gracious, with another biblical name, "Leah," which means weary.
Fuentes is a Spanish language surname meaning "fountains".