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Anastasie Collette Vernier

Biographical Information

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
30 April, 2034
St Mungo's Hospital France
Too young to care
  • Ana (by family and friends)
  • Stace (by family)
  • N/A

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Family Information

Family members

Magical Characteristics

Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core


  • Vernier family
  • Hope Family
  • Hogwarts New Zealand
    • Slytherin​
  • Accio Team

Anastasie Vernier

Anastasie Collette "Ana" Vernier (b. 20 April, 2034) is a Mixed-blood witch and the eldest daughter of Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud). She is originally from France but moved to New Zealand to where her cousins were four years before attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2045.

Early Life (2034-2045)

Anastasie Collette Vernier is the oldest child of French Ministry of Magic

worker Clarissa Vernier (nee Renaud). She was born on the thirtieth day of

April, 2034 in the St Mungo's Hospital in France and her first language is

French. It is unknown who her father is as he left her mother before she

was born.

For the first six years of Ana's life Ana was an only child. In 2039 Clarissa

met Aaron Vernier who had two older children and they married on

December 27, 2040. It was three years later that Anastasie's grandmother

passed and the family moved to New Zealand where her cousins resided.

She began attending Hogwarts New Zealand two years later in 2045.

Hogwarts Years (2045-2052)

First Year

Anastasie did not start off the year well. She managed to get kicked out of the Ollivander's Wand Shop in Obsidian Harbour after back-chatting the shopkeeper, and so had to resort to visiting France again to purchase her wand. She purchased a Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core.​

When Ana finally made it to Hogwarts she was pleased with her placement in Slytherin house. She didn't mind not being with her step-brother and hoped that she would be able to make some friends. Unfortunately, due to Ana's bluntness, she struggled to do this throughout the year, having not made a good first impression on the majority of her year group.

Throughout the year, Ana managed to acquaint Emilia Manning of Hufflepuff house and Athena Rey-Martinez, a second year Slytherin. She also acquainted Sapphire Michaels whom she shared a dormitory with.

Overall, Ana was not too satisfied with her year, despite her near-perfect grades, and hoped that next year she would be able to make an actual friend.

Second Year

Anastasie was not looking forward to her second year at Hogwarts. She did

not have that many friends yet, apart from those that she acquainted in her

dormitory. She did however become a closer friend with Diana Holland who

was in her house and year.

During the second semester, Anastasie entered the first ever Hogwarts New

Zealand Talent Show and went up on stage to play her violin and present her

talent to the school. She enjoyed herself and thought that she did a pretty

good job, despite not having won.

Overall, Ana did not have a very good second year. Her grades dropped in

comparison to the year before and she had not made a close friend yet,

despite her attempt to not be as blunt anymore. She was thankful however

that she didn't have to take a single flying class anymore and looked forward

to the following year when she would be taking more classes and learning

more things.

Third Year

Anastasie stepped into her third year with the intention of simply focusing on her classes. She decided to take up Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes as her electives, Muggle Studies much to her discretion. Her step-father convinced her Muggle Studies would be worthwhile, but she was not happy with the EE she had received in the subject. Nonetheless, Ana wanted to continue to take the subject in hopes that she would get better.


As Anastasie's second semester came around she entered the dueling tournament for a slight distraction. The girl did not get far but she had tried nonetheless which she was happy with. She also tried playing spin the bottle with the rest of her year group in the student lounge. She was picked once, kissing a Gryffindor girl on the cheek which she hopes she will never be reminded of again.


Overall, Ana finished the year with an O in Herbology and Charms. She was not happy with her grades however and wanted to do as best as she could the following year before her OWL exams the year after.

Anastasie at 4 years of age


Anastasie's 2045 Halloween Costume


Anastasie's Second Year Yearbook Photo

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Anastasie's Third Year Yearbook Photo

Fourth Year

Coming into her fourth year, Anastasie wanted to try her best to be more

involved in school activities, especially now that she had the chance to before

her senior years and the exams that would come with it. She attended the club

fair for the first time in the school's courtyard and looked around carefully to try

to find something she would be interested in. She applied for a position in the

school's yearbook team and successfully earned a position as one of the layout

designers. She figured this would be a very good experience for her.

Throughout the year however, Ana still kept to herself, occasionally writing

letters to her mother back and forth. With Louis and Lucie being homeschooled

now, replies were much more delayed, but with Ana's new yearbook

responsibility, she was easily distracted from it.

Ana did not receive the best grades and only earned herself an Outstanding

grade in Charms. Despite this, Ana was determined to focus more than ever

in the following year to obtain herself almost perfect grades for her OWL exams.

Fifth Year

Ana was determined to be as focused as ever for her OWL year. The girl wanted to do her best in the exams at the end of the year, and even with the yearbook to worry about, Ana was sure she could do it. She hadn’t done very well with classes the year before, and now that it was her OWL year she wanted to do the best she could. She came back to school refreshed and was looking forward to what was hopefully going to be a good year for her. She was particularly looking forward to another year of helping out with the yearbook. She enjoyed it last year as it gave her something to do other than study, and it definitely helped distract her from everything else that was happening around the school.


When Ana wasn't studying or focusing on Accio, she was spending her time in the Conglomerated Arts Room playing her violin. Not many other people used the room and so it was perfect for Ana to just be by herself without any distractions. She also studied in there when she really needed it as the library was sometimes full of people. However, one afternoon in the Conglomerated Arts Room, she found herself playing music with Emilia Manning who played the piano. The pair of them got along and Ana was happy that she had met a new acquaintance. 

At the end of the year Ana had received fairly decent grades, which she was rather happy about. She did worse in Astronomy and Muggle Studies, and best in History of Magic, Charms and Transfiguration. She was excited for her sixth year when she could relax a little bit before her NEWT exams.

Sixth Year

Coming into her sixth year, Ana made sure to drop a few subjects including Muggle Studies, Astronomy, Potions

and Herbology. This allowed her to have more time, especially with the ongoing duties from Accio. She really

enjoyed being part of the club and even befriended their leader Vader Hume, who genuinely took interest in what

she was doing and how she was going. It was good for her to have such a kind leader, and it was one of the main 

reasons why she stayed.

The teen kept to herself again this year, and at the end of the year she attended the graduation ceremony for her

half-brother Patrick. It was daunting to her that she would be in that position herself at the end of the following year

and she just hoped that she could get through it just as Patrick had.

Seventh Year

Anastasie's Seventh Year had come around quickly. She mostly just spent the year focusing on not only her studies, but Accio as well, attempting to train a Ravenclaw Fourth Year who was going to take her place. She was rather nervous about the Ravenclaw taking her place and just hoped that Accio would still run smoothly without her presence. 

By the end of the year she had received all O's except for Transfiguration and Defence Against The Dark Arts, and she was pleased with her results. She wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do after she graduated and just hoped that soon she would find the right direction.

Yearbook Photo                                           Accio Picture

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Anastasie's Fourth Year Yearbook Photo

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Anastasie's Fifth Year Yearbook Photo

Anastasie's Sixth Year Yearbook Photo

Anastasie's Seventh Year Yearbook Photo

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Physical Appearance

Ana is one of the shorter ones for her age. She does not mind being so short and sometimes uses it to her advantage. Usually she wears high heels to cover the fact that she is one of the shortest around a group of very tall people. Much like her mother, Anastasie has long and straight dark hair. It looks like a light brown in the sun and a darker brown indoors. She is very protective of her hair and will not let anyone touch it but herself. Like many French people she knows Anastasie has plain brown eyes.


Personality and traits

 "Anastasie can definitely be a hard one to handle when she wants to be. She's often quite vain and really knows how to get her way when she wants to, but she's one extremely talented person and definitely knows how to work a violin."
     - Aaron, Anastasie's step-father, describing Anastasie's personality.

Ana's strengths include being able to solve difficult problems and overcoming adversity. She is also quite musically-oriented and is definitely able to impress. Ana has a knack for judging people on their appearance, however, before getting to know them. This can lead to people thinking she is quite a rude person (which sometimes she can be if people aren't being nice to her) but she was actually raised to be polite and understanding which she believes to be one of her best qualities.


Ana is definitely a pessimist. She struggles to find the good side in any situation which can sometimes be a terrible thing. This also leads to her being insecure and having quite a lot of self doubt. Upon first meeting Ana you will definitely find her extremely extroverted. She loves to talk and chat about the most random things and will often start rambling on about some of her crazy worlds that go on in her head. Despite this, this does not make her talkative. Usually you'd find her talking to herself more than anyone else. One thing many people do not know about Anastasie is that she loves taking risks. She'd much rather go out and find the answer herself than refer to books, despite her love for them. She would not mind getting into trouble for this. Ana is an extremely logical person. She is very sensible and will definitely be the one to make the most 'grown up' decision out of everyone. 


Magical abilities and skills

Music: Ever since she was six years old, Ana has been interested in music and is quite talented for her age.

Charms: Ever since attending Hogwarts New Zealand Anastasie has discovered her skill in charms class, and even though it isn't her favourite subject, she is rather good at it.



Wand: Before Anastasie's first year she purchased her first wand: Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core.

Violin: Ana prides hersef in the talent she has on her violin and has owned her first violin since she was six years old, taking it wherever she goes.



The name Anastasie originates from Greece. The meaning of the name Anastasie is "resurrection". Anastasie is an alternate French form of Anastasia.

The name Collette is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Collette is victorious.

Vernier is the topographic name for someone who lived near an alder tree. Hyper Corrected form of 'Varnier', the form of Warner found in eastern France.

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