Lucie Vernier
Lucie Margot Vernier (b. 20 May, 2041) is a Mixed-blood wizard and the youngest daughter of Aaron and Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud). Lucie attended Hogwarts Scotland in 2052.
Early Life (2025-2036)
Lucie Margot Vernier is the third child of Aaron Vernier and the second child of
Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud). She was born on May 20, 2041 at St. Mungo's Hospital
for Magical Maladies and Injuries in France along with her fraternal twin brother
Louis Vernier. She was the first to be born on that day, having been born in the
very early hours of the morning. Not long after her first birthday, Lucie and the rest
of her family moved to New Zealand where her cousins and her Aunt Annabelle
lived. Her parents decided it would be a good idea for them to start fresh.
Having only been in France for a year of her
life, Lucie was unable to speak the language
fluently like the rest of her family and picked
up English much faster. She is able to say
basic words in French but is not able to have
a full fledged conversation.
Lucie's first magical outburst happened at an early age when she was four and a half years old. She made a teddy bear explode by just the blink of her eyes, and all of the stuffing was floating around the room. She liked the idea of this and always tried doing it again, causing plenty of mischief.
Hogwarts Years (2052-2059)
First Year
Lucie was looking forward to her time at Hogwarts. She was most looking forward to the classes, and being one of the last to experience the magical school, made it that little bit exciting for her. The girl was sorted into Slytherin House whilst her twin brother was sorted into Hufflepuff House. It meant that they were away from each other, and Lucie couldn't help but feel slightly nervous about that. It was a big castle and she barely knew anyone, but she was sure she would make friends soon.
As Lucie entered her new dormitory for the first time, she met everyone that
she would be occupying it with. She could bare the majority of them, however
one of the girls began complaining about another one's bird and Lucie couldn't
help but intervene. She began calling the girl ridiculous for complaining about
the bird, and accused her of lying as she said she lived on a farm. Lucie didn't
have the patience for it, and so she opted never to speak to anyone in her
dorm ever again.
Whilst trying to get some fresh air outside, Lucie came across a Ravenclaw
boy in her year, Eoin Armati, that decided to put his feet in the lake where
magical water beasts were. She asked him if it was allowed as she definitely
didn't think it was safe. He seemed confident however, until an eel came along
and splashed the pair of them. He then just seemed curious, but Lucie
definitely saw it coming. The splash attracted another person in her year
named Elara who was sorted into Gryffindor House. Lucie instantly disliked
her as she began climbing up a random tree and hanging from it. Lucie
couldn't believe the people that she was forced to surround herself with.
Overall, Lucie enjoyed her first year at Hogwarts and rather enjoyed taking her flying classes the most. They were the most practical and she was really liking those sort of subjects the best. Herbology was also good too, as well as potions, and the girl couldn't wait to take them again next year.
Second Year
During the break, Lucie was feeling quite down. Despite how well her first year had gone, she hadn't made any friends and this saddened Lucie, especially when she found out her brother had made a few of them. She turned to her older half-sister Ana when her fairy statue had broken and she wanted her to fix it. Ana did so, before then offering her advice and reassuring her that friends were not the be all and end all. All Lucie needed to do at Hogwarts was focus on her classes, and hopefully the right friend would come to her soon enough.
As Lucie started her second year, she thought it would be a good idea to try out for Quidditch. She obviously didn't tell Ana this, as Ana was very much against the sport, but she thought that perhaps it would be an opportunity to make some friends as well as do something that she loved that she wouldn't be able to do anymore otherwise. She was delighted when she made it onto the team as an alternate beater. She even played a couple of real games with them, and she soon found herself getting better at the spot. She made a promise with her brother and just hoped he wouldn't tell Ana anything about it.
At the end of the year when the exams were soon approaching, Lucie made her way to the library to do some last minute studying. The library was definitely very full and Lucie had no choice but to approach a younger Ravenclaw girl who was taking up practically the whole of one of the tables. Thankfully, the girl willingly moved her belongings and Lucie was thankful for this. The girl's name was Xiuying, and Lucie remembered that as it was the first person she actually liked within the school.
Lucie had done better this year in her grades, with almost a 6 GPA. She hoped the new subjects next year wouldn't put this down.

Lucie at 7 years of age, taken by Aaron Vernier
Lucie on her 6th birthday, her sister Anastasie in the background, taken by Clarissa Vernier

Lucie's First Year Yearbook Photo
Lucie's Second Year Yearbook Photo
Lucie Margot Vernier
Biological Information
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
20 May, 2041
St Mungo's Hospital, France
Too Young To Care
Luce (by family)
Physical Information
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Light Brown
Dark Brown
Family Information
Family members
Mariana Renaud (maternal grandmother)
Benjamin Renaud (maternal grandfather)
Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud) (mother)
Aaron Vernier (father)
Isabelle Vernier (half-sister)
Patrick Vernier (half-brother)
Anastasie Vernier (half-sister)
Louis Vernier (brother)
Lilyanna Hope (maternal cousin)
Eleanor Hope (maternal cousin)
Estella Fuentes (maternal cousin)
Genevieve Fuentes (maternal cousin)
Magical Characteristics
Curved 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Wenge Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Vernier Family
Fuentes Family
Hope Family
Hogwarts New Zealand
Slytherin House
Slytherin Quidditch Team
Accio! Yearbook Team

Third Year
Coming into her third year, Lucie decided to pick up Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy. She quite enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures, however was disappointed by Arithmancy, and instantly regretted taking it. She thought it would be similar to a math class, but it was definitely nothing like it. She also picked up a position in the Accio Yearbook Team that her older sister Ana used to be a part of. She thought it would be a good extra curricular activity to do apart from Quidditch to distract herself from classes. Lucie still tried out for the Slytherin Quidditch Team again however, delighted when she earned herself a permanent keeper position. She was confident that she was going to do well with it, and the first couple of games definitely proved it.
Lucie's determination to focus and keep to herself however was broken when her roommate Jenna Irons approached her, giving her a backhand compliment about her appearance. Lucie didn't want to brush it off though, and so insisted on telling Jenna how mean she was, which Jenna kept putting back onto her. The girls had an argument in the hallway until Lucie decided to finally walk away. Unfortunately as a result of this, a rumour began going around her year group saying she was a bully, making it even harder for her to make friends.
In an attempt to distract herself, Lucie studied as much as she could that year, even for the subjects that she
liked a little less. The girl was studying against a tree in the great lawn when she met Stefan Kozlov, a
Hufflepuff in the year above her. He was quiet, however the pair of them soon began talking and he even
offered her some study notes, which she copied and was very grateful for. Later that semester, she decided
to participate in the Dueling Tournament to blow off some steam. She placed second in her year group and
quite enjoyed it, planning to continue dueling during the following years if she had the chance.
Lucie's luck with friends continued as, during the second semester, she found herself practicing quidditch
with one of her twin brother's friends, Jordan Harris. Lucie thought him to be a little weird, but she figured
practicing with him was a lot more interesting than practicing by herself.
As exams were coming around, Lucie was getting the most frustrated with Arithmancy. Whilst studying,
Lucie and Eoin began talking about creating a Math club at Hogwarts, and soon enough Lucie felt
comfortable enough to call him a friend. She rather enjoyed his company.
Overall, Lucie had a rather good year and received an O in all of her subjects except for Astronomy. Unfortunately however, Jenna's rumours resulted in Lucie winning the title of 'Most Likely To Spread Rumours' in the Superlatives. Lucie tried her best to forget about this however and just hoped her fourth year would be a little better.
Fourth Year
Lucie promised herself to keep on the down low for this year, and that was exactly what she did. Slytherin had a new Head of House for the first time in a very long time, and truthfully it made Lucie a little nervous. She wasn't sure about the professor and just hoped he would be as strict as the last one so that not too many people would get up to any mischief.
During the first semester, Lucie met a younger Ravenclaw who had transferred to the school. She was nice, however the Slytherin did not want to start trusting her. The girl just did as she was told and attended classes and fulfilled her duties for Accio. She also spent a lot of time playing Quidditch, wanting to get as good as she could and finding it a good distraction. They had won a few games during the first semester, which really did keep her in good spirits.
During the second semester, Lucie had received a yellow rose from her brother for Valentine's Day. He knew that something was up with her, but she didn't want to admit to him that he was right. Lucie didn't say a word to many of her peers that year, hoping that her quietness would make them forget about the year before.
When Slytherin had won Quidditch, Lucie couldn't help but be absolutely delighted. Unfortunately however, the new Head of House 'rewarded' the house temporarily with a trampoline, which Lucie found to make the common room a little too cosy. She was glad when it was gone.
Fifth Year
Lucie entered her fifth year quite pleased with herself for earning the title of prefect. She was glad the
Head of House saw through a lot of her dorm mates, and admittedly it made her like him a little more than
the previous one. Lucie started off the year with some Golden Eel research with her friend Eoin. They
spent their time in the library, which was a good distraction for Lucie as she wasn't burdened too much with
the pressure of it being her OWL year. She also still had Quidditch and Accio to distract her too, so she
was quite happy with this.
Somehow, Lucie found herself even attending the annual spin the bottle event where she was forced to
kiss another girl on the cheek. It was probably the most reckless and impulsive thing she had done at
Hogwarts, but it made her realise she should really pull herself together a bit more. She focused more on
study after this, heading to the library whenever she could to go over her lesson's material.
Lucie kept to herself for the rest of the year, refusing to attend the Halloween Feast, The Yule Ball, or The
Valentine's Dance. She could participate in those next year if she really wanted to. For now, she had other
responsibilities to uphold.
Overall, Lucie didn't have a bad year at all. They had won the Quidditch cup and Lucie had received some good grades. She just hoped she could keep all of this up next year.
Sixth Year
After a somewhat successful year last year, Lucie was hoping this year would follow suit. She could relax a little more this year, but also didn't want to lose her focus. She spent a little more time playing quidditch, whilst also keeping up with her Accio! responsibilities and her classes.
For Halloween, Lucie decided to be a little different and went as a 1800s housewife. She liked her outfit, despite knowing she wasn't going to win anything with it, as it was different compared to the others. She also entered the dueling tournament again, and whilst she didn't win, she thought she had done well and she enjoyed it.
Lucie was quite happy with her sixth year, having received decent enough grades, and was eager for her last year at Hogwarts.
Seventh Year
Lucie couldn’t believe she was heading into her last year at Hogwarts. It had all gone rather quickly, and when once she was one of the youngest in not only Hogwarts but her family, she was now older, and almost with the most independence she’d ever had. It was an odd feeling, but one that she also rather liked. People were expected to respect her, and even though it was Indi who had received Head Girl and not herself, she still felt a lot more superior now.
Lucie joined an unofficial history club, which had been set up by the younger students, however she almost instantly regretted this as it went from a debate to an argument, and it was no wonder why they couldn't make the club official. After this, she steered clear from it, focusing on quidditch, Accio! and her classes. That year in Accio!, Lucie was instructed to train her step-niece, Ruto, who was currently in her second year of Hogwarts. She became a little closer to Roo and was glad that it would be Roo taking over her position when she left and no one else.
As the second semester came around, Lucie entered the dueling tournament again, this time taking home the title of champion. She was quite pleased with this result and this cheered her up for the remainder of the year. She also did well in her NEWT exams, and she overall had a very good final year at Hogwarts.

Lucie's Third Year Yearbook Photo
Lucie's 2054 Yule Ball Outfit

Lucie's Fourth Year Yearbook Photo

Lucie's Fifth Year Yearbook Photo
Personality and traits
"She can be a little cheeky and frustrating sometimes, there's no doubt about that. But it wouldn't be the Vernier household without her."
- Clarissa Vernier, Lucie's mother, describing Lucie's personality.
Lucie is good at defending herself and standing up for what she believes in. She has strong values that she often pushes towards others, sticks to her principals, and is a very open book, especially when it comes to her opinion on things, believing that communication is more important than people’s feelings. She will never cheat or lie as she believes things need to be earned and people need to be able to work hard for what they want. She doesn’t like to work alone however, eager to find a co-worker that is as dedicated to the project as she is, and she won’t hesitate to let them know if they’re not pulling their weight as she is extremely blunt. She is very willing to help others if they need it, as she knows that they then owe her a favour, and will not help those that have nothing to give. It is hard for Lucie to understand that others may follow a different path and listening to other people’s opinions is often hard for her as she believes she is always right and will never stray away from her values.
Lucie is dedicated to focusing on the past to help her get through the present, believing that experience is vital to life, and she appreciates human history, finding a deep interest in that. Lucie is also very extroverted, enjoying being around a lot of people and not at all finding it hard to join in on conversations and make friends. She is definitely a social butterfly, taking a deep interest in what others are doing, whether it involves her or not, and wanting to have fun. She has a fear of missing out, and when she is at a party and around people that she likes to spend time with, she is much more relaxed and energetic.
Whilst Lucie loves human history and learning from past mistakes, she also enjoys working and using her hands. She doesn't mind occasionally getting a little bit dirty, as long as what she was doing had a purpose. She often finds herself getting lost in her work and doesn't like to give up until it is done.
Magical abilities and skills
text: text.
Wand: Before Lucie's first year she purchased her first wand: Curved 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Wenge Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Lucie is a girl's name with Latin and French origins. It means 'light'.
Margot is a French girl's name meaning 'pearl'.
Vernier is the topographic name for someone who lived near an alder tree. Hyper Corrected form of 'Varnier', the form of Warner found in eastern France.