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"Hey, you know what? I still haven't come up with an idea for a Wild Patch Club event. Did you want to help me with a pride event? I'd love to do one on behalf of you!"

- Eleanor's offer to her sister after she came out to her.


Eleanor Grace Hope (b. June 1, 2029) was a Mixed-blood witch and the youngest daughter of Simon and Annabelle Hope (née Renaud). She is also the younger twin sister to Lilyanna Hope. Eleanor began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2040 and was sorted into Hufflepuff house. Her maternal family descends from a French ancestry, of which many attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

Eleanor Hope

Early Life (2029-2039)

Eleanor Grace Hope is the second child of Simon and Annabelle Hope (née Renaud).

She was born on the first day of June in 2029 along with her twin sister

Lilyanna Hope at St. Mungo's Hospital, New Zealand. Born 3 minutes apart, they

were both cesareans.

Hogwarts Years (2039-2046)

First Year

Eleanor began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2040 at the customary age of eleven. Before even coming to Hogwarts, Eleanor had already made friends. She was not worried about trying to make friends at all before stepping foot inside the castle and was actually quite excited to see what the next seven years would bring. The only thing that was going through her mind was that she didn't think she'd be able to be sorted into any of the houses and she doubted herself, thinking that they were going to kick her out because she didn't fit anywhere. Thankfully, the sorting hat knew what it was doing and sorted Eleanor into the perfect house, along with her friend Ares. She was very happy where she was sorted and knew that she was going to have a lot of fun.

                                 The first place Eleanor had found herself wander into within the first few days was                                         the Hogwarts Garden. She had then found her love of plants and joined the wild                                           patch club, as well as then finding out her love for Herbology which had soon turned                                     into her favourite subject. She went to her first Wild Patch Club event and, after quite                                   a lot of pondering, made a wish upon a lantern. She even made a few more friends at                                   the wild patch club. It didn't take long for her though to join another club as well and                                     had signed up for the adventure club almost right away and met a centaur with a                                           friend who she had met through the club. But this had made her get into trouble by                                       the deputy headmaster and was sent to his office for wandering around in the                                               forbidden forest without any supervision.

The second semester had soon came around and Eleanor came back to Hogwarts with a dragon tooth her mother had gave her as a souvenir. She brought this to Hogwarts and kept it in her dormitory, occasionally telling her friends what it was. When the year ended, Eleanor was very excited to be going back home for a long holiday and knew that her second year was going to be just as good as, or better than, her first.

Second Year

Eleanor started off her second year meeting a first year, Rory Fergusson, whom

she did not particularly like. It was then however when she learnt exactly how to

make a flower crown and used her skills to create her own flower crown stall in the

Wild Patch Club event. She continued to make lots and lots of flower crowns

during her spare time and had even made a whole collection of them in which she

would regularly give out to people she met.

Before she knew it, Eleanor's first semester of her second year was coming to an

end. She won the best Halloween costume overall as a gingerbread man and felt

extremely proud of herself.

When Valentine's Day came around Eleanor had received numerous unexpected

roses from her friends, one of which were delivered by an elf that Eleanor had

never seen before named Elt. This intrigued Eleanor who asked her many

questions regarding her appearance. It was around this time where she also

started to develop an interest in magical creatures and collected posters of some that she had displayed in her bedroom.

Third Year

Eleanor started off her third year by helping a Gryffindor first year who had lost themselves in the dungeons. Through this she was able to make a new friend, despite them being two years younger than her, and she had earned herself a good reputation from such a kind act. During the annual Wild Patch Club event, Eleanor made more than enough flower crowns and had given them away to a satisfyingly large amount of people. Considering she only learnt how to make them last year, she did a very good job and was proud of herself.





Eleanor's First Year Yearbook Photo

Eleanor's 2042 Yule Ball Outfit

Eleanor at 5 years of age

Eleanor's 2041 Prize-winning Halloween Costume: A Gingerbread Man

Eleanor Grace Hope

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
1 June, 2029
St Mungo's Hospital New Zealand
Seeing Somebody
  • Ellie (by Ares Jeffreys)
  • Wild Patch Club member/leader
  • Queen of Flowers
  • Hufflepuff Prefect

Biographical Information

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Relationship Information

Family members
  • Felix Urie (ex-boyfriend)
  • Jerara Tapsell (Boyfriend)

Magical Characteristics

Being in complete and utter darkness
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core


  • Hope Family
  • Vernier Family
  • Hogwarts New Zealand
    • Hufflepuff
    • Wild Patch Club

Eleanor's 2043 Halloween Costume: A Queen

Fourth Year


Eleanor's fourth year began spectacularly. She became the Queen of Flowers as Orwell had graduated and she

set up the Wild Patch Club stall all by herself at the club fair. It was this year that she also met the Slytherin

prefect, Charlotte Owens. Unfortunately, the prefect's first impression on Eleanor was not good as another

younger Slytherin and her happened to start an argument with one another, causing Eleanor distress.


The Yule Ball however, was one of Eleanor's best yet. She had the privilege of meeting and dancing with Jerara

Tapsell, a Ravenclaw second year. The pair of them met again after the Yule Ball during the Christmas break in

Honeydukes and he even sent her a rose for Valentine's Day, making her delighted. Better yet, he also gifted

her a bag of candy from Honeydukes and she couldn't thank him enough.

Eleanor's first time organising a Wild Patch Club event had proved to be a success. In Tākarokaro Park Eleanor

placed a time capsule in the ground in which she encouraged everyone to put something inside so it could be

opened in ten years time in 2054 by a whole new Wild Patch Club.

Fifth Year

Eleanor was quite happy to be attending Hogwarts again, especially once she found out that she became a prefect along with her twin sister. The girl started off her semester befriending a sixth year Hufflepuff, Felix Urie, who soon became her first boyfriend. The pair of them attended the Yule Ball together which unfortunately led to a fight between his friends but Eleanor kept to herself, ignoring the bickering that was among them as she tried to enjoy her night. However, after the Yule Ball, one thing lead to another and it was discovered that Felix had been cheating on her with someone in his year. This left the girl extremely unhappy but she refused to show her feelings as the holidays came around and more things arose.

With the second semester underway, Eleanor was invited to meet her sister up at the North Tower. Figuring she was going to show her something, Eleanor happily obliged and listened carefully to what her sister had to say. Lilyanna admitted that she was gay and Eleanor was happy to be supportive of her before deciding that the Wild Patch Event that year should be on Gay Pride. With her excitement flooding, Eleanor happily organised the event and was glad to see so many people from the school coming to support it.

Overall, Eleanor was happy with her OWL year and her results that followed and was thankful for the holidays when they finally came around.

Sixth Year

Eleanor had spent most of the holidays hanging out with Jerara Tapsell and bonding over candy in The Three

Broomsticks in Brightstone Village. The pair of them were definitely closer once school came back again and

Eleanor was happy to spend time with him before they had to get back into the swing of things. Eleanor

participated in the Club Fair during her first semester, displaying a stall for the Wild Patch Club and attracting

first years that soon became members. By the end of her first semester she began dating Jerara whom she

attended that year's Yule Ball with, and the pair of them met up again over the Christmas holidays before coming

back for their second semester.

Eleanor spent the majority of her second semester planning for another Pride Event in the Great Hall on behalf

of the Wild Patch Club once the Valentine's Roses were delivered. The event turned out to be a success and

Eleanor was happy that her sister Lilyanna had attended it. Better yet, the event was covered in an article in the

Hogwarts Monthly which made her quite proud of her efforts. Eleanor also introduced a fellow Wild Patch Club

member to her sister Lilyanna in hopes that she could make a new friend with her best friend graduating that

year and had overall had quite a pleasant and relaxing sixth year before her NEWTs the following year.

Seventh Year

Eleanor entered her seventh year with a positive mindset hoping that she would not stress out too much about her NEWT exams at the end of the year. She was disappointed that it would be her last year as Queen of Flowers and had organised a Wild Patch Club Event at the Hogwarts Gardens for the members only, enjoying her time being spent with just her friends before she would have to continue to study hard. It was also Eleanor's last year attending the Yule Ball with Jerara and the pair of them made sure to dance the whole night.

When Valentine's Day had come, Eleanor was one of the first to sign up and deliver some roses, knowing very well that it would be her last opportunity to. She received a bag of berries from a valued Wild Patch Club member and was quite happy with how Valentine's Day turned out that year, despite how busy she was delivering roses.

Yearbook Photo                                         ♕Queen of Flowers♕

Eleanor's Fourth Year Yearbook Photo

Eleanor's 2044 Halloween Costume: A Hotdog


Later Life (2047 onwards)


After graduating, Eleanor and Jerara met up in Brightstone village in the winter holidays of 2047 where the pair of them decided to go on a break due to Jerara still having two years at school. Nonetheless, the pair of them made sure to write to each other despite their distance.

Eleanor moved out to a small 2 bedroom cottage with Lilyanna. There, she was able to start her own greenhouse in the backyard, growing as many plants as she liked. Her part time job at the Ice Cream shop in Obsidian Harbour gave her the money to be able to buy her supplies and keep her greenhouse thriving. With Lilyanna moving between their parents house and their own, this gave Eleanor a lot of time to herself in her greenhouse.

In 2051, two years after Jerara graduated from Hogwarts, the pair of them finally met up again on the same bench in Brightstone Village. Eleanor discovered Jerara had moved out in a flat with his friend and was on the path to becoming an Alchemist. They continued as friends, and Eleanor even visited Jerara in Italy whilst he was working there. It was the first time she had gone overseas by herself.

In 2054, Eleanor had almost overgrown her greenhouse and so decided to donate some of her plants to the hospital so they could make some potions. This lasted a couple of months until Eleanor decided to make her own business out of it so she could get some profit. She bottled her plants in vials, selling them as potions ingredients along with tools for gardening and fertiliser which was graciously given to her by the Aotearoa Magical Wildlife Sanctuary. She set up her small shop in the middle of Brightstone Village, alternating her work between there and the ice cream shop until she could get enough money to make her business bigger.


Physical Appearance

Eleanor is an average height for her age but is one of the smallest in her family. Her hair is naturally

straight. It takes time for her to to curl it but she likes to curl it for formal occasions anyway. Eleanor

has chocolate brown eyes with a tint of greenish yellow. She gets her brown eyes from her father and

the tint of green from her mother. Eleanor has a birthmark right under her right knee cap. She also

has a faded freckle right underneath her left eye.


A more accurate depiction of Eleanor's appearance, made with Artbreeder


Personality and traits

 "Annoying is really the only word to describe her. She's always very loud and never shuts up."
     - Lilyanna Hope, Eleanor's sister, describing Eleanor's personality.

Eleanor's biggest strength is keeping peace and harmony wherever she goes. She is always there to break up arguments and finds it very offensive when people use violence in front of her. Eleanor is not the smartest child in her grade and often finds it hard to concentrate in class due to her short concentration span. She gets distracted very easily which can lead to her rebellious side. She doesn't try to be a daredevil but if things aren't satisfying her or she's starting to lose concentration on whatever she is doing she will start to get a bit restless which causes her to get up to some mischief and often finds herself in sticky situations.

Unlike her twin sister, Eleanor is very emotional when it comes to decision making. She likes to think with her heart and doesn't like hurting other people's feelings. She makes sure that everyone is included and hates it when people feel left out. Eleanor tries to be confident in things she does just like her sister but unfortunately she tends to get unsure about many things. She doesn't believe herself to be smart and she almost always gets afraid that she is going to embarrass herself in front of someone no matter who it is as she has been embarrassed many times before.


Magical abilities and skills

Herbology: Eleanor's favourite subject is Herbology. She loves everything to do with plants and finds them to be

very fascinating. After joining the Wild Patch Club Orwell Brocken, the club's leader, taught her how to make

flower crowns and she has been making them ever since. She even shows off her skill during Wild Patch events

and has created her own free stall dedicated to making them.



Wand: Before Eleanor's first year she purchased her first wand: Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

Piglet: Before Eleanor's first year her parents purchased her a small Burrowing Owl. She named him Piglet and uses him to send letters to her friends and family at home whilst at Hogwarts.



Best Halloween Costume

Second Year



Lilyanna Hope


Lilyanna Hope is Eleanor's older twin sister. Ever since they were born Lilyanna would want to be the one in charge and Eleanor would make the most out of annoying her, much to her sister's disapproval. However, Eleanor is very protective over Lilyanna.

In Eleanor's third year Lilyanna was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, and in their fifth year Lilyanna came out to Eleanor, resulting in Eleanor organising a Pride Event at the school.


The Hufflesquad was a friend group that consisted of people in Eleanor's house and year. It started during their second year as they all got to know each other. The group consisted of Eleanor Hope, Xavier Jeffreys, Marzen Svajone, Bryony Woods and Liam Adams. Two of the five members did not graduate at Hogwarts New Zealand and therefore are not still spoken to.

Ares Jeffreys

Ares and Eleanor's relationship started before their Hogwarts years began in 2040 at the Makutu Mall. The pair of them played games together and soon became extremely close. They created names for each other (Agent A and Agent E). His twin brother Xavier Jeffreys is also friends with Eleanor and is part of the 'Hufflesquad'.

Jerara Tapsell

Jerara and Eleanor's relationship began during the 2043 Yule Ball when Jerara asked her if she wanted to dance with him. She accepted his offer and from there the pair of them had formed a close friendship, despite the fact he was two years younger than her and sorted into Ravenclaw. Jerara worked at Honeydukes and the pair of them regularly met up with a bag of candy between them during school breaks. In 2045 Jerara and Eleanor began to date. In the winter holidays of 2047 they went on a break as Eleanor graduated and Jerara still had two more years left of school. Nonetheless, the pair wrote to each other frequently.



Eleanor is an English variation of French Provencal Alienor, meaning unknown. 

Grace is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Grace is: From the word 'grace', derived from the Latin 'gratia', meaning God's favor. 

The last name Hope is derived from the UK from the name of a topographical feature - a small enclosed valley.

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