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Patrick Léonard Vernier

Biographical Information

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
12 September, 2032
Burgundy, Eastern France
Too young to care
  • Pat (by family)
  • Alternate Beater (2044 onwards)
  • Hufflepuff Prefect

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Family Information

Family members
  • Léonard Vernier (paternal grandfather) †
  • Caroline Vernier (née Bisset) (paternal grandmother) †
  • Aaron Vernier (father)
  • Amélie Vernier (née Durand) (mother)  †
  • Isabelle Vernier (sister)
  • Clarissa Vernier (née Renaud) (step-mother)
  • Anastasie Vernier (step-sister)
  • Lucie Vernier (half-sister)
  • Louis Vernier (half-brother)

Magical Characteristics

 4 Vicious Cats

Straight 11 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core



  • Vernier Family
  • Hope Family
  • Hogwarts New Zealand
    • Hufflepuff
    • Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
  • New Zealand Ministry of Magic
    • Auror Office

Patrick Vernier

Patrick Léonard Vernier (b. 12 September, 2032) is a Half-blood wizard and the youngest son to Aaron and Amélie Vernier (née Durand). He is also the youngest brother to Isabelle Vernier. Patrick is originally from Burgundy in Eastern France but moved to New Zealand in July 2042 - two years before he began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2044.

Early Life (2032-2043)

Patrick Leonard Vernier is the youngest child of Muggle baker Amelie Vernier (nee Durand) and the second eldest child of Half-blood Aaron Vernier. He was born on the twelfth day of September, 2032 in the local Hospital in Burgundy, France and his first language is French.


In 2036, Patrick's mother, Amélie Vernier, had passed away from Muggle

cancer. The cancer spread quickly and she was starting to lose control of

her limbs. Eventually, she became a vegetable and not even the most

powerful medicine could prevent this from happening (but it did in fact slow

it down). It was not long before Patrick's 4th birthday when she died at 32

years of age and the family was in great grief for the next couple of years.

12 months later Aaron Vernier had met another woman that worked at the

same workplace as he did. In June 2040 he had asked her to marry him

and Patrick's family had moved in with her and her daughter. Their wedding

happened on August 27, 2040 and Patrick began attending Hogwarts New Zealand four years later.

Hogwarts Years (2043-2051)

First Year


Patrick started off his year eager to attend a new school. He met many people before the year even started but became best friends with Wilfred whom he met during the first night there. The pair of them were in all of the same classes together and Patrick made sure to stick by his side.

It didn't take long before Patrick found himself part of the Hufflepuff quidditch team as a beater. He knew his step-sister wasn't going to like that and so kept it a secret from her, only telling Isabelle and his father about his success on the team.

With English being his second language, Patrick found it quite hard to keep up with the professor's lectures, but with some help from his sister he was able to translate his notes into French as he went which greatly helped his studies. He finished the year with straight O's except for Astronomy, which was a subject he soon learnt that he didn't like, and was overall glad with his success during the year.

Second Year

Patrick was looking forward to starting off a new year at Hogwarts. He was

beginning to feel comfortable there and his English was improving greatly. He

was thankful that his step-sister Ana was sorted into Slytherin house as it meant

that he had an easier job of avoiding her, but he was also starting to get lonely

and sad now that his older sister had graduated. He isolated himself frequently,

choosing to find places where he could clear his head even after a victorious

Quidditch match. His grades weren't looking too good either, especially potions,

and so the Hufflepuff regularly attended tutoring sessions with his professor in

hopes that they would improve.

The holidays had soon come and Patrick was delighted to hear that his sister

had secured herself a position in New Zealand's Ministry of Magic. He came

back to school for his second semester much happier and took up the time to

deliver roses for Valentine's Day, figuring this would be a good way to meet

new people. He even received a rose from his Quidditch Captain which made

him feel much better than before.

By the end of the year Patrick managed to receive straight O's in everything except for Potions and Astronomy, which he couldn't help but expect considering they were his worst subjects, and overall had a good year.

Third Year

Patrick was quite nervous for his third year. Taking on new subjects was definitely going to be challenging and the boy just hoped that he would be able to get enough help to pass everything. He found himself in the library at the beginning of the year where he met a younger Ravenclaw Kira Wolf. Soon enough, he discovered his fear of animals when a Gryffindor in his year, by the name of Fleur van Houten, introduced him to her cat. Better yet, the boy had to take Care of Magical Creatures that year which he soon found to dread. Luckily, he managed to survive his third year and the added subjects and was relieved when the year was finally over.

Patrick at 5 years of age

Patrick's first year Yearbook photo


Patrick's second year Yearbook photo

Fourth Year

With it being his last year before his OWL examinations, Patrick wanted to do the best he could. He

was quick to doubt himself however, especially since his best friend Gabriella Tillington had left

Hogwarts to go to Ilvermorny. He knew it would be hard being by himself but at least it would force 

him to focus on his studies more.

As Patrick was asked a question for the first Hogwarts Monthly issue of the year, he was very excited.

After being asked what his least favourite subject was, he responded with "I'd probably say

Astronomy because I'm not that good at it. There are too many dots in the sky and it just gets

confusing sometimes.". He brought a copy of the issue home to his father.

During his fourth year, Patrick took up the annual job of delivering roses. He did not get any himself

but was nonetheless happy to be delivering roses for people yet again. The boy attended the Valentine's

Day Dance with a third year Ravenclaw, Winnie Marsh, whom he had just met and thought was a really

nice person and wanted to get to know more. They finished the night as friends.

Overall, Patrick had a good fourth year. The Hufflepuff Quidditch Team had won the cup and this put Patrick in a good mood leading up to his fifth year.

Fifth Year

Patrick entered his fifth year thrilled to have received a prefect's badge. The boy really did not expect it and became even more fonder of his Head of House for giving him the opportunity, especially since he was the first of his father's children to receive it. Despite this, Patrick still made an effort to try out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team again, even with his OWL exams at the end of the year. He had become the alternate beater again and was just happy to be back into the swing of things.

Throughout most of the year, Patrick kept to himself. He didn't even take up the liberty of delivering Valentine's Day roses again. He kept his head down, wanting nothing more than to get good grades, especially now that he had a prefect's badge and wanted to show everyone that he was worthy of it. At the end of the year Patrick had received an Outstanding grade for both Herbology and Ancient Runes. Even though his grades weren't perfect, Patrick was still happy with this outcome. Better yet, Hufflepuff won the House Cup for the second year in a row, keeping Patrick in good spirits heading into the school holidays.

Sixth Year

As Patrick started his sixth year he was made aware that his good friend and confidante Winnie Marsh had

transferred schools. This disappointed the teen who planned to ask her to the Yule Ball that year. The pair of

them sent letters to each other throughout the year however, and Patrick ended up asking Jemma Potter, a

Gryffindor in Winnie's year who he met through quidditch, to the Yule Ball, who had said yes. The pair of them

had a good night.

During Patrick's second semester he tentatively informed his Head of House that he wanted to become an Auror.

He didn't think he had the ability to do it until his Head of House thoroughly encouraged him to do so, informing

him of what subjects to take during the following year and telling him that he really did have the ability to do it.

This gained some confidence in Patrick and even his family supported his decision. He was happy to finally figure

out what he was doing with himself once leaving school.

Seventh Year

Patrick was nervous for his final year of schooling. He wanted to do the best that he could and so had given up his position on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, happy to give the position on to someone else whilst he focused on his studies. It was sad to leave it behind, but if the teen wanted to do the best he could, he didn’t need the distraction. He felt that this was an intelligent idea, however was still keen to sit in the stands to watch his team play when he had the chance.


Patrick attended the Yule Ball with Jemma again, as he had fun with her last time. He was still caught up on Winnie but tried not to let this distract him from having a good night. His relationship with his Head of House was also getting stronger and his professor had even allowed him to do a reading for his Ancient Runes class. Patrick enjoyed the company of Professor Landon Carter, but didn't want to get too close to him as he knew he would be leaving Hogwarts soon.

When the exams were finally over, Patrick was relieved as they had been hard, but he knew he had done the best that he could have. He knew where he wanted the rest of his life to take him but wasn't sure how confident he was that he would get it. However, Hogwarts had taught him to believe in himself a little more and had greatly improved who he was as a person and he couldn't be more grateful for that.

Patrick being interviewed for the Hogwarts Monthly

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Patrick's fifth year Yearbook photo

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Patrick's Halloween Costume 2049, The Flash

Patrick's seventh year Yearbook photo



Later Life (2051 onwards)

Patrick didn't know what to expect in the real world. He knew what he wanted to do however thought it was a smart decision to wait a further 8 months since graduating before he applied. During those 8 months he trained as much as he could, furthering his flying skills and his apparition skills, improving his patronus charm, and practicing every spell that he knew. Fortunately, Patrick was accepted as an Auror in training in March, 2052 and this made him and his family very happy and proud.


Physical Appearance

Patrick is slightly tall for his age but mostly fits in with the rest of the crowd. He dislikes fitting in with everyone and likes to think of himself as one of the tallest, despite him only being average. He has long brown hair much like his father's. It grows quickly which means many trips to the hairdresser every year to keep it short and tidy. He doesn't usually do much to his hair and would much rather let it do what it wants to than try and position it in a specific way everyday. Patrick has a scar on his left hip from falling out of a tree at the age of 9. He is quite proud of this and usually tells people that he got it during a fight against a man-eating beast.


Personality and traits

 "Patrick is definitely one of the most independent people I know. He has a large brain and tries his best at everything he does and that's what I like most about him."
     - Aaron, Patrick's father, describing Patrick's personality.

Inspired by connections with people, Patrick is always readily available for help and enjoys spending time with others. He is never one to put down an idea or contribution and will willingly help another find a solution to their problem even if it has nothing to do with him, no matter who it is. Despite this, he is an introvert and prefers to only have a small group of friends. When stuck, Patrick mainly refers to books and will not stop until he finds an answer. When criticised, however, Patrick will take it poorly and start to get very frustrated and hot-headed. He does not handle stress very well, is unable to stand up for himself, and tends to doubt himself a lot of the time. But once these stressful moments pass, Patrick is happy to let it go, not wanting to dwell on it. He lives in the present, not thinking too much about the past or the future.


Patrick tries his best to make many friends but usually never succeeds due to how hard it is for him to open up. He is mainly an introvert and does not mind this at all. He prefers to work on his own without the distraction of other people. His biggest goal in life is to 'save the world' and no large obstacles will stop him from trying to do that. Patrick is definitely a logical thinker. He tries his best to think of many ways things could be solved, even if sometimes they're silly, and will most likely amaze you with many of the things that come up in his head. For Patrick, he tries his best to work between both work and play. He loves the both of them but if he knows he isn't going to get much out of the work he'd much rather love to go and play. He understands that work can be much more important and with a little bit of push he will definitely go and work. He will try to act confident and brave but can sometimes doubt himself and is always scared of what might go wrong.


Magical abilities and skills

Flying: Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Patrick soon discovered his talent for flying and managed to join the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team during his first year and received a grade of O in his flying class.

Ancient Runes: Ever since he began taking the course in his third year, Patrick has loved Ancient Runes and is very good at it. He is able to read them fluently and carry out readings well. He has his own rune set that he uses.



Wand: Before Patrick's first year he purchased his first wand: Straight 11 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core



Isabelle Vernier

Isabelle Vernier is Patrick's eldest sister. They are six years apart and Patrick has been close to her throughout his whole life. They were homeschooled together until the age of seven when Isabelle went to Beauxbatons Academy for her education, later moving to Hogwarts New Zealand in 2043 where Patrick began attending in 2044.

Anastasie Vernier

Anastasie Venier is Patrick's younger step-sister. They met in 2039 when Patrick's father had introduced his children to his girlfriend and her only daughter.  For most of Patrick's childhood Anastasie was the boss, despite being the youngest. She would convince Patrick to do things for her and play together as children. Once Patrick began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2044, the pair of them began to drift apart and did not talk to each other as much, even though they both lived together. They still have occasional fights, much more than Patrick and Isabelle would have, and share a typical brother and sister relationship.

Gabriella Tillington

Gabriella Tillington was the first friend Patrick had made at Hogwarts in 2044. She was also sorted into Hufflepuff house and they shared many classes together. In 2047, at the beginning of their fourth year, Gabriella was transferred to another school and the pair of them never spoke again.

Winnie Marsh

Winnie Marsh was a Ravenclaw student in the year below Patrick. They met during Patrick's fourth year just before Valentine's Day and Patrick instantly had a crush on her. The pair of them attended the Valentine's Day Dance together that year. Unfortunately, Winnie transferred schools during Patrick's sixth year and so the pair of them were forced to only keep in contact through letters. Patrick never saw Winnie again after that but still had a crush on her for a few more years.

Jemma Potter

Jemma Potter is a Gryffindor friend Patrick had met through quidditch. She was in the year below Patrick and the pair of them attended the Yule Ball together during Patrick's last two years of school. Patrick thought she was a great friend.



Patrick is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Patrick is: Regal; noble. 

Léonard is the French form of 'Leonard'. It means "brave lion", derived from the Germanic elements levon "lion" and hard "brave, hardy". Léonard is Patrick's middle name after his paternal grandfather.

Vernier is the topographic name for someone who lived near an alder tree. Hyper Corrected form of 'Varnier', the form of Warner found in eastern France.

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