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Cadell Owens-Lee

Cadell Owens-Lee (b. 30 November 2028) is a wizard of unknown magical heritage and the second-eldest adopted child of Betrys and Mia Owens-Lee. 

Early Life (2028-2039)

Cadell Owens-Lee was born in 2028 in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in Great Britain to an unknown wizarding family who valued magic and its abilities. He was born with a stutter, making it slightly hard to understand him at times.


At the age of 5, Cadell was disowned by his biological family and put up for adoption with the assumption that he was a squib as he had not yet shown any magical abilities and they believed his stutter was the reason why he wasn't worth enough. At 8 years of age in 2036, Cadell was adopted by Betrys and Mia Owens-Lee. One year later in 2037 Cadell had his first magical outburst where he made a plate at the dinner table temporarily grow legs.

Ilvermorny Years (2040-2043)

Cadell began attending Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2040 at the customary age of eleven. During the sorting ceremony he stood on the Gordian Knot set into the middle of the stone floor and the enchanted carvings of Horned Serpent reacted. He wasn't familiar with this house, as his older adopted sister had been sorted into Pukwudgie, and so there was a lot of learning Cadell had to do, which he was looking forward to.

Unfortunately, during Cadell's time at Ilvermorny, many people bullied him for his stutter, despite the constant therapy sessions he attended to make it better. He moved schools in his third year to Hogwarts Scotland.

Hogwarts Years (2044-2047)

Moving to Hogwarts Scotland was a bit of a change for Cadell as the four houses were different and he barely knew anything about the school. His mother Mia had gone there, and his cousin Alis was currently attending the school too however, and so he hoped it wasn't all too bad and that the people there would be friendlier.

Upon the sorting hat being placed onto his head, Cadell was sorted into Ravenclaw. His cousin Alis, who was in the year above him, was sorted into Gryffindor, and so it was a little hard for him to talk to her as they were in different houses.

Throughout his third and  fourth year, Cadell kept his head down as

studied as much as he could. He also tried his best with his therapy,

and eventually Cadell's stutter had gotten much better. He was able

to speak full sentences without stuttering and his family couldn't be

more proud of him. Hogwarts Scotland was a much better choice for

the boy, and his grades had definitely improved and he was receiving

top of his class in almost all of his subjects.

In Cadell's fifth year he was promoted to Ravenclaw Prefect and he

was very proud of himself, especially since he had only been at the

school for a couple of years. His family moved from Wales to New

Zealand, however Cadell opted to stay at the school as he didn't

want to jeopardise his prefect position.

During school break, Cadell's family went on a holiday to Japan. He purchased a camera before going, deciding that it couldn't hurt to take some photos of the trip. He took photos of mostly the Cherry Blossoms, finding them the most fascinating. He learnt a lot on his trip, not only of the history of Japan and Cherry Blossoms, but also about his camera, and soon enough photography turned into his best hobby.

By Cadell's seventh year, his stuttering was completely gone, and even though he didn't receive the Head Boy position like he was hoping for, he still thought he had done well, even in his NEWT exams.

Later Life (2048 onwards)

Cadell graduated from Hogwarts not really knowing what he wanted to do with his life. He went back to Japan for his own small holiday, planning to take a gap year while he decided exactly what he wanted to do and whether or not he wanted to go to a film school. It seemed like a good idea, but it would definitely take some time to complete, and Cadell needed to go over his options.

While taking photos of the temples in Japan, Cadell was stopped by a Japanese photography agency. He wasn't very familiar with their language, but soon realised that they were offering him a job through a magazine company. Cadell accepted this a few months later, deciding it would be a great idea as it would then mean he wouldn't need to attend film school and had a good head start in his career. It was during one of his first shifts that he met a younger lady by the name of Sora Ito. She worked for the same company that he did and was interviewing a man that Cadell was photographing. Soon enough, the pair of them developed a romantic relationship and Cadell moved to Japan in order to be with her and be closer to his work.

In 2051, Cadell and Sora married in Nara, Japan. They had a baby girl together in the following year whom they named Aiya Nin. Sora had received a promotion not long after she was born, and this meant she had less time to be with Cadell and her new daughter. They barely saw each other after then, and Cadell became a full time dad as he took a break from his job to look after her.

                                                                  In 2054, Cadell travelled back to New Zealand to see his                                                                           family. His older sister Teila had adopted a boy named                                                                               Dominic, and so Cadell was eager to meet him. It was around                                                                   this time that Cadell and Sora began arguing about their                                                                             future and the child they were raising, and the pair of them were secretly separated, however still living together. Cadell only went to New Zealand with Aiya and without Sora as he didn't want his fighting with his wife to overshadow the excitement of the new family member.


Cadell, 9 years old, taken by Mia Owens-Lee

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Cadell, 14 years old, in his Hogwarts Scotland uniform

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Cadell and his daughter Aiya, 2053.


Cadell Owens-Lee

Biographical Information

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
30 November, 2028
St Mungo's Hospital, Great Britain
  • Cade (by family)
  • Ravenclaw Prefect

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Family Information

Family members
  • Betrys Owens-Lee (née Lee) (adoptive mother)
  • Mia Owens-Lee (née Owens) (adoptive mother)
  • Arthur Owens (adoptive grandfather)
  • Ella Owens (adoptive grandmother)
  • Teila Owens-Lee (adoptive sister)
  • Gwen Owens-Lee (adoptive sister)
  • Marc Owens-Lee (adoptive brother)
  • Tristan Owens-Lee (adoptive brother)

Magical Characteristics



Horned Serpent
  • Owens-Lee Family
  • Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
    • Horned Serpent
  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
    • Ravenclaw​
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