Gwyneth Owens-Lee
Gwyneth Olivia Owens-Lee (b. April 7, 2034) is a Muggle-born witch and the second-eldest adopted daughter of Mia and Betrys Owens-Lee. Gwen was adopted at 3 years of age after her first magical outburst. Her muggle parents thought that she was evil and didn’t want her in their family anymore. She was placed into a British muggle orphanage. Despite their promise that they would not adopt a muggle-born, Mia and Betrys felt sorry for the toddler and they brought her in.
Early Life (2034-2045)
Gwyneth Olivia Owens-Lee was born on the seventh day of April in 2034 to two high-class British Muggles. It is said they had anywhere from 4-8 other red-haired children. In May 2037, at three years of age, Gwen had her first magical outburst. She would break glasses with her eyes,
levitate chairs, and cause unintentional havoc in the household. Her parents
knew something was up and took her to the local muggle orphanage claiming
that she had some type of dangerous disease and that they had to give her up.
Luckily, a muggle-born witch working at the orphanage transferred her to a
wizarding orphanage where she was soon adopted by Mia and Betrys
Mia and Betrys Owens-Lee were much unlike Gwen's biological parents.
Despite coming from a large and traditional family they were laid-back and
taught Gwen many different pranks to use on people that were causing her
trouble. Upon being adopted by Mia and Betrys, Gwen also became a sister to
Cadell Owens-Lee and Teila Owens-Lee who was 21 when Gwen first joined
the family, making them 18 years apart.
Hogwarts Years (2045-2052)
First Year
Gwen was more than ready to take on what Hogwarts had to offer. The new first year had her spirits high and was excited for all of the adventures ahead. She was delighted to be sorted into Gryffindor as her adopted mother was also sorted into Gryffindor and it made her feel more comfortable about what was to come.
It didn't take long for Gwen to find someone whom she disliked. Diana Holland, a fellow first year sorted into Slytherin house, was the first to see Gwen's sarcastic side after she criticised her for spending her time on the cliffs. Gwen's mood was spoiled even further as she had encountered a Revolution in the Great Hall that was attempting to breach the Statue of Secrecy to combine the muggle and magical world, which was something Gwen was very insecure about due to the fact her muggle family abandoned her and her opinion on muggles was not great.
Gwen met her first friend not long after the Revolution. Zennon Baros of Slytherin house shared similar views to her about breaking the Statue of Secrecy. The pair of them bonded over their opinions, and despite Gwen being slightly jealous of his other friendship with a Hufflepuff, Gwen considered him good company and they became good friends.
Throughout the year, Gwen also befriended Sapphire Michaels, a Slytherin first year, and Aminia Macksimov, a Ravenclaw sixth year. She also met Phoebe Holland, a Ravenclaw third year, whom she did not particularly like after tying in first place with her in an assassin game which really demonstrated Gwen's competitive streak.
Overall, despite the ups and downs, Gwen enjoyed her first year and was looking forward to the years to come that she could only hope would get better.
Second Year
Gwen was looking extremely forward to her second year as it would be the year
that she could try out for a position on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Her mothers
told her that they would not buy her a broom of her own if she didn't make the team
and so Gwen was one of the first to put her name down for it, wanting more than
anything to be apart of it. She tried out for the position of alternate seeker and
unfortunately did not make the cut. This put Gwen in a bad mood for the rest of the
mood, momentarily despising the Quidditch Captain as she believed she really
deserved it.
To lighten her spirits, Gwen tried to participate in the Dueling Tournament but could
not even make it past the first round which had really disappointed her. So instead,
she decided it would be a good idea to deliver roses for Valentine's Day which
really did make her happy seeing everyone receive some roses, even though
she had not received any herself. Unfortunately however, her grades had dropped a lot compared to the year before. Nonetheless, Gwen was excited for the holidays and hoped that it would freshen her up for the next year.

Gwen at 10 years of age, taken by Betrys.

Gwen's First Year Yearbook Photo.

Gwen's Second Year Yearbook Photo.

Gwyneth Olivia Owens-Lee
Biological Information
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
7 April, 2034, Great Britain
Too Young To Care
Physical Information
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Light Blue
Family Information
Family members
Betrys Owens-Lee (née Lee) (adoptive mother)
Mia Owens-Lee (née Owens) (adoptive mother)
Teila Owens-Lee (formerly Lee) (formerly Donoghue) (adoptive sister)
Cadell Owens-Lee (adoptive brother)
Marc Owens-Lee (adoptive brother)
Tristan Owens-Lee (adoptive brother)
Magical Characteristics
Curved 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Owens Family
Lee Family
Owens-Lee Family
Hogwarts New Zealand
Gryffindor Quidditch Team

Gwen's Third Year Yearbook Photo.

Gwen's Fourth Year Yearbook Photo.

Gwen's Halloween Costume 2049, Superwoman

Third Year
Gwen was happy now that she was a third year as it meant she was getting older and could experience more that Hogwarts had to offer, such as the new classes that she could take. Gwen always loved trying new things and had even considered taking all of the new classes except for muggle studies, but her mothers told her not to and it was probably for the better. After not getting into the Quidditch Team last year, Gwen opted to try again and had successfully made it into the team as an alternate seeker. Despite the fact she was on the bench for the whole year, the girl had quite enjoyed watching the team play and participating in the practices.
When Valentine's Day came around, Gwen was eager to deliver roses again. She saw some familiar faces and was happy to have successfully delivered them all by the end of it. Better yet, the girl came second in her year group in the dueling tournament and she was quite proud of herself.
Overall, Gwen had quite a good year and was excited for the next year.
Fourth Year
Gwen was more than happy to be back at Hogwarts for another year. She hadn’t done very well last year
with her grades and would try to put the extra effort in for herself, especially considering her OWL exams
were only the year after and she had to get herself in a regular study pattern before then. To her delight, the
Gryffindor managed to pick up a permanent position on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as a beater. It was
exciting for the fourth year who tried out the year before and didn't make it.
When Valentine's Day came around, Gwen did not deliver any roses, mostly because she wanted to take a
break for herself. Quidditch did prove to become tiring, and even though when was not yet perfect at the
sport, she was still eager to practice as much as possible.
At the end of the year, Gwen did not receive the best grades and opted to try her best the following year
when she would undertake her OWL exams.
In August that year, just before the next school year started, Gwen attended her cousin's wedding.
Fifth Year
Gwen started her year knowing that she wasn't going to stress about the OWL exams like everyone else, despite wanting to do better than the year before. At this point she was starting to care less. She didn't think there was much point in stressing out and so entered the year feeling quite confident. She caught up with her good friend Zennon, something that she had been meaning to do for a while. Despite the fact he was upset, Gwen was happy to talk to him again and try her best to be comforting. This was a big step for Gwen as she had never done something of the sort before.
Gwen attended the Halloween party that year as Superwoman. She felt as though it was a good distraction for her. However, with Quidditch still something to worry about, Gwen tried her best that year with it. Gryffindor did not win the house cup, which made her slightly upset and definitely lowered her mood. Nonetheless, she kept it to herself and did the OWL exams at the end of the year just as she would any of the other exams. As a result, she had done reasonably well which had ended off the year on a good note.
Sixth Year
Gwen was happy to be back at Hogwarts, despite feeling as though each year was exactly the same. It was that
year that Gwen quit quidditch, figuring she didn't need it anymore. She wanted to keep to herself this year and
did exactly that. She learnt how to apparate that year, as it was one of the compulsory classes at Hogwarts, and
was quite proud of her efforts, knowing that it would come of great use to her.
Overall, Gwen had a good year and managed satisfactory grades, even after quitting quidditch.
Seventh Year
Gwen was feeling more and more anticipation to leave Hogwarts once her final year had arrived. Her two youngest brothers began attending Ilvermorny in North America, which was on the other side of the world, and Gwen couldn't help but feel a little bit anxious for that. However, after meeting up with her best friend Zennon she couldn't be more thankful for the people that she had close to her.
Gwen attended the Yule Ball that year by herself, figuring she might as well have attended it since it was her last year. It was that year as well that Gwen discovered her best friend Zennon had a child and Gwen was very excited to meet him once the year was over and it gave her something else to look forward to.
Overall, Gwen had a really good year. All of her family had attended the graduation ceremony and she had received really good grades that she was proud of herself for. It proved her point that stressing out was pointless as she had done perfectly fine without doing so. She was very excited for what was now ahead of her.
Yearbook Photo

Gwen's Sixth Year Yearbook Photo.
Gwen's Yule Ball Outfit, 2051

Physical Appearance
Gwen is a bit to the taller side of things but is not too tall or too short for her age and fits in well with her peers. She has extremely pale skin due to her British heritage. It often gets burnt when she goes outside and so she uses sunscreen regularly to prevent this. Gwen has bright red hair that often makes her stand out amongst everyone else. It is long, reaching up to her waist, and has a small fringe which is sometimes grown out. Her usual hair style is in a pony tail.
Personality and traits
"Gwen's really fun. She never liked playing with dolls or dressing up and might as well be of the opposite gender sometimes. She has tough bones and a pretty smile and is always fighting for what she believes in."
- Betrys, Gwen's mother, describing Gwen's personality.
Gwen is quite a tough person who takes many risks in order to achieve something she desires. She is always standing up for others and taking initiative in situations which often lead to her becoming the leader and making decisions. She is resilient to pain and always soldiers on through difficult situations which can be both good and bad for her. If provoked, Gwen will become extremely hot-headed and sarcastic. She doesn't like people who are vain and will often tell them outright if they are which can lead to fights and disagreements with others.
Gwen is an optimist, however this can also lead to her being a pessimist. She initially sees the good in situations, but if it quickly goes downhill she will realise the negativeness of the situation and is quite blunt about the possible outcome. Gwen is an extrovert. She is always willing to try new things which include making new friends and finding those who have similar interests to her. She finds comfort in exploring with others but wouldn't mind doing so on her own. She is impulsive and doesn't really think of the possible outcomes if she were to do something. She simply goes straight for it with the hope that it will turn out fine in the end without much thought. This makes her a daredevil and she does not mind breaking rules to get to where she needs to be. She is always challenging others to games and doesn't mind much if she loses as long as she had fun.
Magical abilities and skills
Wand: Before Gwen's first year she purchased her first wand: Curved 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core.
The name Gwenyth is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Gwenyth is: Fair; blessed.
Olivia is the feminine form of Oliver, meaning "olive tree."
The name Owens is a Royal Welsh surname. It means 'well-born', or from the Old Welsh word 'oen', meaning the lamb. Owens has long been one of the most popular of all Welsh personal names. Lee is a surname which was derived from Old English leah meaning "clearing".