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Charlotte Elizabeth Owens


Blood Status

Relationship Status

Also known as

3 December, 2027
St Mungo's Hospital New Zealand
  • Char (by friends)
  • Chaser
  • Prefect
  • Quidditch Captain
  • Head Girl

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Relationship Information

Family members
  • Arthur Owens (paternal grandfather)
  • Ella Owens (paternal grandmother)
  • Thomas Carter (maternal grandfather)
  • Charlotte Carter (maternal grandmother)
  • Jacob Owens (father)
  • Kristina Owens (née Carter) (mother)
  • Spencer Owens (brother)
  • Alfie Owens (paternal uncle)
  • Mia Owens-Lee (paternal aunt)
  • Betrys Owens-Lee (paternal aunt)
  • Harri Owens (paternal uncle)
  • Hellen Owens (paternal aunt)
  • Alis Owens (cousin)
  • Morgan Owens (cousin)
  • Brian Elliston (maternal uncle)
  • Jasmine Carter (maternal aunt)
  • Noah Elliston(cousin)
  • Katie Elliston (cousin)
  • Sophie Elliston (cousin)
  • Landon Carter (maternal uncle)
  • James Cade (ex-boyfriend)
  • Daniel Rosemary (Husband)

Magical Characteristics

  • Professor Styx
  • Death of family
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Golden Retriever




  • Holyhead Harpies Chaser
  • Ollivander's Shop Assistant
  • Owens Family
  • Carter Family
  • Elliston Family
  • Rosemary Family
  • Walden Family
  • Hogwarts New Zealand
    • Slytherin​
    • Slytherin Quidditch Team
  • Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team​

Biographical Information

Dark Blonde

"I will make it my goal! And as soon as I find it I'll tell you what it looks like and where it is."

- Charlotte's promise to find the Room of Requirements to Avie Mitchell, prior to his death.


Charlotte Elizabeth Owens (b. December 3, 2027) is a Half-blood witch and the eldest daughter of Jacob and Kristina Owens (née Carter). She is also the eldest sister to Spencer Owens. Charlotte began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2039 and was sorted into Slytherin house. She soon became best friends with Madeline Walden.

During her second year at Hogwarts she became a chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team and during her third year she had lost a good friend Avie Mitchell, a loss which had devastated her and the majority of the school.

After school, Charlotte joined the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team and became a professional Quidditch player.

Charlotte Owens-Rosemary

Early Life (2027-2038)

Charlotte Elizabeth Owens is the first child of Jacob and Kristina Owens (née Carter) and got her name from her maternal grandmother. She was born on December 3, 2027 at St. Mungo's Hospital in New Zealand. Throughout her whole life, Charlotte had no friends other than her muggle cousins and grew up with them until the age of 6 when she started developing her magical abilities. Her first 'magical outburst' happened when she was fighting with her brother. He went to kick her in the face but Charlotte made his toes start growing long hairs on them. Her mother was extremely

strict on not letting the children on her side of the family know anything

about her magical heritage and kept Charlotte away from her cousins as

much as they could for their own safety in case Charlotte's magical abilities

were to harm them in any way which meant lesser visits to their house and

boring times alone in Charlotte's bedroom. Nonetheless, Charlotte still

stayed optimistic and never changed from the lovely and enthusiastic girl

she was. 

Not much is known about the Owens side of the family. They live

somewhere in Scotland, Wales and, hence, go to a wizarding school near

there. They were all (apparently) Gryffindors and were overall nice people

despite them disowning a child (Ifan Lloyd) just because they were put into

Slytherin house. Mostly, they speak Welsh which means they are not that fluent in the English language which makes it hard for them and Charlotte to communicate as English is the only language Charlotte is familiar with.

Hogwarts Years (2039-2046)

First Year

Charlotte began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2039 at the customary age of eleven. She was sorted into Slytherin house, which came as a shock to her and her family. Slytherins were always considered 'bad people' to the paternal side and, because her parents did not want to disown her, they told her paternal grandparents that she was in fact sorted into Gryffindor to keep the family tradition. 

During the first semester, Charlotte tried her best to make some Slytherin friends who had helped her realise that Slytherin wasn't a bad house after all. This also made her realise why the sorting hat had placed her where it did and soon she felt more comfortable wearing her green robes. She also became exceptionally good friends with Madeline Walden, a fellow yearmate in Gryffindor, after she helped her hand in overdue homework.

Before Charlotte knew it the second semester had started and she found herself in major trouble by her head of house, whom she had slowly developed a secret fear for, after accidentally being involved in a firecracker explosion on the school grounds. Within the first few days she had lost 20 points for her house which had taught her that if she didn't want to have to go anywhere near her head of house then she should probably stay out of trouble. It was this year that she also met Avie Mitchell who was currently a fifth year Slytherin and who proved to be her best and most fun role model.

At the end of year feast, to Charlotte's surprise, she had won the biggest house points earner for Slytherin. Her new friends had clapped along for her and when she arrived home she told her parents what had happened. They were extremely proud of her.

Second Year

Charlotte was very excited to be back at Hogwarts for another year. Most importantly, she was looking very forward to seeing her friends again. In her first week, she was very happy and surprised to find out that she had made it into the Slytherin Quidditch team as a chaser and was looking very forward to her first game. Unfortunately, during the first game, she barely flew up into the air before her seeker had caught the snitch, which she was disappointed about but thrilled about at the same time.

During the fourth week of the semester, Charlotte had found herself stuck in the

middle of an argument between her best friend and her enemy and was

accidentally stunned, having to be sent to the hospital wing until she woke. On top

of that, the next time she happened to get together with her friends, she was sent

to the deputy headmaster's office for entering the forbidden forest which led her

to be very angry. On the bright side, her friends let her join their adventure club

which she was very excited for.

Her second semester had soon rolled around and she managed to catch up with

some of her friends and enemies from her first year. She had even befriended

Cairo Savage by the end of it who just so happened to be one of her enemy's

twin brother. Unfortunately, once she made it home at the end of the semester,

her parents were not happy with some of her grades and she promised them

that she would improve for her third year, especially considering she was going to be doing more subjects.

Third Year

Charlotte's third year started off quite nicely. She was looking forward to taking the

extra classes and felt like she would be able to handle them all well. As the first

semester progressed, the Slytherin began to form a closer relationship with Cairo

Savage who had proved to be her only housemate who she was able to talk to.

Better yet, Charlotte was finally able to meet her best friend's brother who she had

been eager to meet for quite a while. The pair of them had also formed a good


The excitement of Charlotte's first semester had soon disappeared when she came back for her second semester to hear that Avie Mitchell had passed away. It was at this point that Charlotte felt herself feel the worst she's ever been. She kept herself isolated from her friends for quite a while and it took time for her to become herself again. Luckily, without any notice, Charlotte felt happier once she realised her uncle was her new Herbology professor. She had never met her uncle before and so she couldn't help but want to know everything about him, asking every sort of question she could. By the end of the year, Charlotte slowly became herself again and won the biggest house points earner for Slytherin and most scary Halloween costume, despite how rough times had been.

Charlotte at a muggle beach, 3 years old, taken by Kristina Owens.

Charlotte's first year Yearbook photo.

Charlotte's Christmas Yuleball outfit, 2040

Charlotte's prize-winning 'Most Scary Costume': Possessed Teenager.

Fourth Year

Charlotte started off her year better than any other. She came back to Hogwarts to find out that her

friend James Cade had a secret crush on her. After buying her a necklace and asking her to be his

girlfriend, the two of them began dating, much to Charlotte's surprise. Charlotte's brother, who was

sorted into Gryffindor house that year, approved the relationship.

On top of getting her first boyfriend, Charlotte also played her first and second Quidditch match for

the year spectacularly during her first semester. The first match against Hufflepuff ended with an

excellent win of 220-10. Her captain kindly promoted her to co-captain after the match for her efforts.

Better yet, Charlotte also received a paragraph in the Hogwarts Monthly about it claiming that she

was the best player in the school.

For Halloween Charlotte attended the Halloween costume party as 'The Grinch' and won best overall costume. She also attended the Yule Ball at Christmas time with James. Without telling her what he was doing, James left the ball in the middle of it to duel his brother who had gone to the Yule Ball with Maddie. He ended up in the hospital wing and, much to her dislike, when Charlotte went to see if he was alright, Maddie was already there holding his hand. Charlotte tried not to let this bother her and, during the holidays, Charlotte and James met up for a Christmas celebration at her house.

When Charlotte's second semester started she signed up for a dueling tournament at the school. Coincidentally, and without any intention of doing so, Charlotte had won it amongst the fourth years, receiving her house 75 points. Not only that, but Charlotte's Quidditch Team had won every game, winning themselves the house cup for the first time since Charlotte had been there.

However, Charlotte's celebrations were overclouded by what had happened with James at the Yule Ball. The pair of them were slowly drifting apart and it was not left unnoticed. After a talk with Charlotte's good friend, Daniel Rosemary, she broke up with James, feeling as if he had more feelings for Maddie than her. Despite this, the pair of them still stayed friends. Fortunately, Charlotte had won the most house points earner for Slytherin by the end of the year and everything was left on a good note.

House Slytherin during a Quidditch match

Charlotte's prize-winning 'Overall Best Costume': The Grinch.

Fifth Year

As Charlotte came back to Hogwarts for her fifth year she was delighted to find out she had received the title of

Slytherin prefect alongside her good friend Daniel Rosemary. This kept her head up and she felt great to be able

to be a good role model to the new students. Upon prefect duty around the castle she heard a noise in the

Trophy Room and entered it to find a younger Slytherin and a younger Hufflepuff, Eleanor Hope, who had

accidentally fallen over. Unfortunately, Charlotte and the younger Slytherin managed to get themselves into an

argument, causing distress for the Hufflepuff which didn't give off a good first impression.

When the Slytherin Quidditch Try-out's came around, havoc began as Rome Savage, whom Charlotte dislikes, 

started an argument between herself and the co-captains after having not received herself a permanent position

on the team. This caused distress with the friendship between Charlotte and her good friend Cairo Savage,

Rome's twin, and the pair of them refused to talk to each other for the rest of the year.

Charlotte's second semester started off spectacularly, with her having shared her first kiss in a Brightstone Pub

with Daniel Rosemary. Better yet, the pair of them sent roses to each other, Daniel sending his anonymously,

and this made Charlotte very excited for the rest of the school year. Unfortunately, she had not received the best

grades for her OWLs bad was glad that she was still able to do the subjects that she wanted to the following year.

Sixth Year

Charlotte was happy to be back at Hogwarts. The first thing she did once she came back was organise the Slytherin Quidditch Team for that year. With Alana leaving, Charlotte was left by herself as the team's captain and she was eager to take on the opportunity by herself. Fortunately, friendships also came back together between Charlotte and Cairo and the pair of them were on good term again, despite their disagreement, and they were Divination buddies once again.

During a private practice session for Quidditch, Charlotte found Daniel who plucked up the courage to ask her out. Excitedly, Charlotte agreed and the pair of them were officially dating. They attended the Halloween feast together, with Charlotte going as Bat Girl, and rather enjoyed each other's company during the year. However, as their second semester had rolled around and Valentine's Day had come and gone, Charlotte was left without a rose from her boyfriend which made her quite upset. She confronted him about it but the pair of them decided it would be best if they went on a break, leaving Charlotte less stressed for when the next quidditch match came around, resulting in the team's first win of the year and a celebration party that followed.

Overall, Charlotte enjoyed her sixth year and was eager for attending her last year at Hogwarts in the upcoming year, hoping she would get the best marks that she could.

Seventh Year

Charlotte started off her year good with her new appointed position of Head Girl. Her and Daniel's break ended quickly

and soon the pair of them made amends after Charlotte apologised for the way she acted. However, her main focus for

the year other than her NEWTs was Quidditch and she made sure she put together plenty of practices for her team

throughout the year in hopes that they would win the cup. Unfortunately, it happened to be her worst year of Quidditch

and the team did not take a single win and managed to come last despite the amount of practices.

When the graduation ceremony came around Charlotte spoke her speech to her year group and to the guests at the

ceremony along with Tholomyes whom Charlotte only began to talk to that year with his position of Head Boy. She was

happy to see most of her family at the ceremony and was excited to see what the next chapter in her life would bring.



Yearbook Photo                                       Graduation Speech

Charlotte's fifth year Yearbook photo.

Charlotte's 2043 Halloween Costume: Batgirl

Charlotte's 2044 Halloween Costume: Korean Lady

Later Life (2046 onwards)


After graduating, Charlotte attended James Cade's family celebration along with Dan and Maddy. During

the celebration, James asked Maddy to marry him, and Charlotte was very excited when Maddy agreed

and was eager to help her plan her wedding.

Charlotte was soon accepted into the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team in Wales and a Quidditch figurine

was made for her that was sold in Dervish and Banges for 25 galleons. She still kept up the job in

Ollivander's as part time.

In August 2047 Charlotte helped her cousin Sophie Elliston shop for her school supplies in Obsidian Harbour.

In September, 2047 Charlotte also watched Sophie and her brother depart on the train to go to Hogwarts New


For the next few months Charlotte focused on her career, travelling back and forth between New Zealand and Wales to be with her family whilst also making time to practice for the upcoming Quidditch season. She temporarily visited her cousin Alis Owens whom she caught up with and found out that she was spending her time as a journalist, still living with her brother and parents. Despite this, there was still tension between them both, with Alis quite obviously still being jealous of Charlotte's near perfect life.

In March 2048 Charlotte discovered she was pregnant. Her boyfriend Daniel Rosemary was the first to know and he was quite supportive of this. He proposed to her soon after, planning for a small wedding during the end of next year's school break. This allowed their cousins and other family who were still in school to attend without missing out on anything.

Violet Owens-Rosemary was born in November 2048. She was introduced to the majority of the family following Charlotte's brother's Graduation Ceremony in 2049. In August 2049 Charlotte and Daniel married to each other in church. Many family members attended the event, as well as their friends James Cade and Madeline Walden, who were then parenting their six-month-old daughter Bailey.

In July, 2051, Charlotte was recognised for the first time by an upcoming first year student whilst on her shift at Ollivander's. This came as a shock to Charlotte who had never really been recognised before. She admired the girl's ambition and told her that one day she would become famous too.

Not soon after, Charlotte was informed of her best friend Madeline Walden's death. Whilst travelling with her half brother, Madeline was mauled by a magical creature, killing her instantly. Charlotte was completely devastated, as this was the second of her friends to die, but she tried not to let it get to her as she was currently going through a busy time in her life with her two jobs and three children to look after. She soon fell out of touch with James Cade as she attempted to juggle everything that was happening, and many of her other friendships were lost too.

In winter of 2054, Charlotte met Dimitri Korrinov whilst walking the streets of Obsidian Harbour. Dimitri was currently

Ares Jeffrey's boyfriend, who was a Hufflepuff in the year below Charlotte and now a rival quidditch player. The pair of

them grew close, and Charlotte even brought along her children for dinner with him at his small house that he had 

currently been living alone in. Charlotte opted to help him make the place look better, offering to buy him furniture.

In November 2054, Charlotte organised a family reunion to celebrate her eldest daughter's sixth birthday. She

decorated it for her with pink balloons and glitter and invited her whole family. Her cousin Sophie even came along

with her newborn daughter, and Charlotte was very happy to meet her.


Dervish and Bange's Quidditch Figurine: Charlotte Owens


Charlotte in her wedding dress, August 2049

char 2054 violet's bday.jpg

Charlotte at Violet's 6th birthday party, 2054


Personality and traits

 "Charlotte's a tricky one if I do say so myself. She's a fighter more than anything and I think that's one of her best characteristics. Whenever she's in a problem she always tries to find the good side to it which is what I really love about her the most. Despite how noisy and irritating she may get, I don't think I could ever have a better daughter than her."
     - Jacob, Charlotte's father, describing Charlotte's personality.

Charlotte is always on the go and willing to try out new things. She loves going outside and is rather good at sports and being fit. She also is great at socialising and will never hesitate to stop for a chat. She is a great conversation starter too but tends to ramble on a bit too much. Charlotte is obviously a daredevil and doesn't ever look back. She is always getting herself into trouble and once got herself stuck in her mother's muggle organ when she was a toddler. She still looks back and laughs at it today.

Charlotte never cries, and if you do happen to see her cry you've basically witnessed something no one has ever witnessed before. She is a quick and logical thinker and likes things to be done her way and her way only. Often, she might give you the chance to speak your idea but only in specific circumstances. She also never works. Work is a curse word to her and she absolutely hates it. She would rather be outside in the sun than inside trying to complete some essay that's due the next day. 


Physical Appearance

 "I never really take much care of my appearance but my mother thinks I'm beautiful which is probably all that

matters. I have green eyes, much unlike the rest of my family and I guess I have a kind of smaller build than

the rest of my peers. My hair is a really light brown and looks blonde in the sunlight which I guess is pretty

cool, not that I notice it very often. I don't really care how I look, as long as I'm accepted for who I am."
     - Charlotte describing her appearance.

Charlotte is slightly to the shorter side of things but not too small or too tall for her age. She fits right in with

her peers and rarely feels left out. Often, she doesn't care about how tall or short anyone is and finds people

rude who point out others short or gigantic figure. Charlotte has a birthmark on the bottom of her right foot
right where the arch is.


Magical abilities and skills

Flying: Charlotte's favourite subject in her first year was flying. She finished the class with a grade of

'Outstanding' and managed to get the chaser position on the Slytherin team the next year, also becoming

captain in her fourth year.

Dueling: Despite Charlotte not enjoying it that much, dueling was one of her newfound talents that she

discovered in her fourth year when she won a dueling tournament among her year mates.

Leadership Skills: Charlotte's leadership skills began in her fourth year when she was promoted to

Quidditch Co-Captain and became prefect in her fifth year. This soon progressed to Captain and Head Girl.

This promotion indicates Charlotte's ability to take initiative in situations and her natural talent as a leader.



Wand: Before Charlotte's first year she purchased her first wand: Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand

with Unicorn Hair Core.

Ceri: Before Charlotte's first year her parents purchased her a British Shorthair cat whom she named Ceri as it is

her favourite Welsh name.

Sienna Storm: When Charlotte's parents found out she had made it on to the Slytherin Quidditch Team they quickly

purchased her the most affordable broom at the time - a Sienna Storm.

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phydilla Spore: Given to Charlotte before her fifth year by her Uncle Landon.



Top Points Earner Slytherin

First Year

Top Points Earner Slytherin

Third Year

Top Points Earner Slytherin

Fourth Year

Best Costume Overall

Fourth Year

Most Scary Costume

Third Year

Charlotte's pet British Shorthair cat, Ceri

Charlotte's corporeal Patronus (form of a Golden Retriever)


A more accurate depiction of Charlotte, made with artbreeder



Spencer Owens

Spencer Owens is Charlotte's younger brother. He was born in 2031 and the pair of them have grown up with each other since.


Charlotte's first magical outburst consisted of her growing hairs on Spencer's toes as he attempted to kick her in the face at three years of age in 2034. He was sorted into Gryffindor house in 2042 when he was eleven which was not surprising for the Owens family. It was that year that Spencer was introduced to Charlotte's best friend Madeline Walden and her brother Aaron Walden who was also in Gryffindor house.


Madeline Walden

"...before she knew it another spell had this time come from the end of James' wand and she instinctively jumped in front of Maddie, taking the spell herself. She fell to the ground instantly, unconscious."

- Charlotte's loyalty to Madeline during her second year.

Madeline Walden has been Charlotte's best friend since 2039. They took to each other immediately after

Charlotte helped Madeline hand in her Defence Against The Dark Arts homework during their first year. The

pair went on many adventures together, including a quest to see what was at the bottom of the cliffs, and

consistently stayed by each other's sides despite the fact Madeline was sorted into Gryffindor.


During their second year Madeline killed James Cade's Mandrake that he kept for his Herbology assignment

and this resulted in Charlotte jumping in front of James' stunning spell, resulting in Charlotte's first trip to the

hospital wing.

Like most friends, Charlotte and Madeline fought occasionally. During their fourth year Madeline was found in

the hospital wing holding James' hand whilst Charlotte and James were in a romantic relationship. This

caused controversy between the two friends as Charlotte discovered Madeline's crush on James and his

mutual feelings. It wasn't until the year after that they made up, making it the biggest fight between the two of them.

Madeline attended Charlotte's wedding in August of 2049. However, two years later after having her last child, Madeline passed away after being mauled by a magical creature. This deeply devastated Charlotte, but with her having already lost a friend in the past, she found it easier to deal with this grief on top of everything else that was going on in her life at that moment.

Daniel Rosemary

"Would you like to participate in a prank? Y'know, like we could be partners-in-crime...or something."

- Daniel's offer to Charlotte, resulting in their friendship.


Charlotte's relationship with Daniel started out as accomplices. They met in the forbidden forest after Charlotte ventured in there alone and came across him following her. The two of them became good friends and participated in many different adventures together, including exploring the kitchens along with his twin sister Amy Rosemary.


During their fourth year Daniel helped Charlotte get over her ex boyfriend James Cade and proved to be a good friend to her as he supported her the whole way. He invited her to a party at the end of the year that consisted of many of his family and friends and made sure to avoid James the whole time.


As their fifth year started, both Daniel and Charlotte began developing feelings for each other, sending each other roses during Valentine's Day. The pair of them shared their first kiss during the school holidays in the Brightstone Pub. They officially began dating at the start of their sixth year but decided to go on a break six months later after Daniel failed to send Charlotte a rose for Valentine's Day. This was soon forgiven though at the start of their seventh year when Charlotte became Head Girl.

In November 2048, Charlotte and Daniel had their first baby together and the pair of them married in August 2049 during a small ceremony with only family and close friends. Charlotte's second pregnancy in 2052 resulted in twin girls, and this was the last of their children.

James Cade

Charlotte's relationship with James was rocky to begin with as Charlotte stayed by her friend Madeline's side whom James did not have the best relationship with. They soon became good friends however during their third year and James became Charlotte's first boyfriend in their fourth year after James gifted her a necklace.

Charlotte and James attended the 2043 Yuleball together which soon turned into an unpleasant night. Without telling her what he was doing, James left the ball in the middle of it to duel his brother who had gone to the Yule Ball with Maddie. He ended up in the hospital wing and, much to her dislike, when Charlotte went to see if he was alright, Maddie was already there holding his hand. Charlotte tried not to let this bother her and, during the holidays, Charlotte and James met up for a Christmas celebration at her house.

As the next semester came around James and Charlotte had soon drifted apart. After a talk with Charlotte's good friend, Daniel Rosemary, she broke up with James, feeling as if he had more feelings for Maddie than her. Despite this, the pair of them still stayed friends.

Cairo Savage

Charlotte and Cairo's relationship began very much on the bad side. They met in the abandoned classroom along with Cairo's twin sister Rome and bullied her, pointlessly stacking chairs around her to prevent her from getting out of the room. However, their relationship turned friendly during the end of their second year as they bonded over their opinion on books and the two soon became great friends, much to his twin's disliking.

When the pair of them started taking Divination in their third year they became 'Divination buddies' and spent all of their classes together. Charlotte was happy for this friendship as Cairo proved to be one of her only friends in Slytherin house. Like most friends, Charlotte and Cairo found themselves in a small disagreement during their fourth year as Charlotte and her Co-Captain decided to take his sister off the quidditch team. This resulted in Cairo avoiding Charlotte and the pair of them didn't make up until their fifth year.

Avie Mitchell

"""Wingardium Leviosa!" she said, making sure she used the correct wand movement. She watched as her car had joined Avie's in the air and moved her wand around the room, controlling it."

- Charlotte playing with Avie's toy cars during her first year

Avie Mitchell was a fifth year Slytherin when Charlotte began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2039. The pair of them met in the Conglomerated Arts Room and had quickly became good friends after they bonded over toy cars and painted an artwork together. Despite his childish demeanour, Charlotte looked up to him, hoping she could follow his footsteps as a prefect when she was older.

In 2041, during Charlotte's third year the pair of them went on an adventure together to look for something interesting. It was then that Avie told Charlotte about the room of requirement and she promised she would find it for him. When he passed away at the end of that year after drowning in the lakefront Charlotte was the most upset she had ever been.

char and dan.jpg

Charlotte and Daniel

Charlotte and Madeline


Charlotte and Spencer



Charlotte is a French baby name and means 'Tiny and feminine' or simply 'free'. The name Charlotte is the feminine form of Charles. Common nicknames include Lottie, Lotta, Char and Charls.

Elizabeth is a Greek name. In Greek the meaning of the name Elizabeth is either 'oath of God', or 'God is satisfaction'.

Owens is a Royal Welsh surname. It means 'well-born', or from the Old Welsh word 'oen', meaning the lamb. Owens has long been one of the most popular of all Welsh personal names.

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