Sophie Elliston
"Most of the animals in the creature symbolise good luck and strength. The mermaid tail adds a sort of feminine touch to it, showing that women have just as much strength as man. I drew it as a sort of good luck charm for you."
- Sophie gifting her best friend Selene Le Fey a drawing after she was splinched.
Sophie Pippa Elliston (b. 9 January 2036) is a muggle-born witch and the youngest child of Brian and Jasmine Elliston (née Carter). She is also the younger sister of muggles Noah and Katie Elliston. Sophie began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2047 and was sorted into Ravenclaw house.
In 2050 Sophie was diagnosed with depression not long after the death of her father. She began seeing a healer Verity Lancaster and the school counsellor Maria Madison. She stopped seeing the counsellor in 2051, but continued seeing Verity who had been helping her the most. Verity's help gave her decent grades for her OWLs and NEWTs.

Early Life (2037-2048)
Sophie Pippa Elliston is the youngest child of Muggle police officer Brian
Elliston and primary school counsellor Jasmine Elliston (née Carter). She was
born on the ninth day of January in 2036 at a Muggle hospital on the
South Island of New Zealand at ten minutes past ten in the morning. She
had hair so thin that you could barely see it and her head was slightly
smaller than the rest of her body, except for her nose which protruded out
just a tad more than usual. Her birth was natural and perfect, despite the
slow growth of her lungs. For the first few weeks she found it difficult to
breathe and was put into intensive care until her lungs developed. Once
they did, she was quite a healthy baby with no further problems.
Sophie was the youngest child to be born in her family which meant both
of her parents wanted her name to be special and reflect who she was as
a person. Therefore, she wasn't officially named until 3 months after her birth.
Her parents decided to name her Sophie as they associated the name with someone who was kind and gentle. As for her middle name, Pippa was the name of her aunt who had died from cancer before she was born. Her parents used her name in memory of her after she passed.
As Sophie grew up the youngest of her siblings and cousins she received the nickname 'tiny child'. She grew the closest to her eldest cousin Charlotte Owens, Sophie's aunt's child, who is nine years older than her and possessed magical abilities as a half-blood witch.
In 2041, at five years of age, Sophie demonstrated her first signs of magic when she enlarged the size of a tennis ball, making it blow up like a balloon and destroying it. This came as a shock to the Elliston family as it seemed that the magical blood was much more common in their family than they thought.
As Sophie grew up, Charlotte educated her in the magical world, but most of it was kept a secret until the year before Sophie had to attend Hogwarts.
Hogwarts Years (2047-2054)
First Year
Sophie was very much excited to be finally attending Hogwarts. However, the girl was unsure about leaving everything behind, especially considering Hogwarts did not have any muggle technology and life would be much harder. She was interested in learning about magic though, and after a shopping trip with her eldest cousin Charlotte she was convinced that it would be good.
Coming into Hogwarts, Sophie did not know anything about the houses and only gathered information about them from what she was hearing on the Hogwarts Express on the way there. Many people expressed their dislike for Slytherin house, but considering it was one of the only houses she knew about as her cousin was sorted into it, she did not believe them.
The Sorting Hat placed Sophie into Ravenclaw which was a house she knew nothing about. The common room was located high up in a tower, very much away from where Charlotte used to reside, and Sophie figured she had so much to learn. As classes were coming nearer, Sophie could feel herself getting both nervous and excited for them. She wondered how magical classes would work and if she would be able to understand them as much as what the other students would who had better magical backgrounds. Sophie soon learnt that there were plenty of muggleborns like her however and so she was confident that she would be able to get used to it all soon. The only class she felt slightly confident in was Herbology as her own uncle taught it and he himself was a muggleborn too.
During her first week at Hogwarts, Sophie became close friends with her dorm mate Selene Le Fey, whom she swapped beds with on the first day as Selene voiced to the room about having nightmares and wanting a bed closer to the door. Sophie was happy to offer up hers, and from there they both became friends. On Valentine's Day they both sent each other yellow roses, and Sophie was happy that she had found someone to be close with.
Sophie soon learnt that her favourite classes were Defence Against The Dark Arts and Herbology. Even though Defence Against The Dark Arts did not have the nicest professor, Sophie enjoyed the physical activities and believed it was important to be aware of any dangerous beings one might come across.
Overall, Sophie had a good first year and was eager for her second.

Sophie at 4 years of age, before knowledge of her magical abilities

Sophie's first year yearbook photo
Sophie Pippa Elliston
Biographical Information
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
9 January, 2036
Unknown Muggle Hospital
New Zealand
Too Young To Care
Tiny-child (by family)
Physical Information
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Relationship Information
Family members
Tony Elliston (paternal grandfather) †
Katherine Elliston (paternal grandmother) †
Thomas Carter (maternal grandfather)
Charlotte Carter (maternal grandmother)
Brian Elliston (father) †
Jasmine Elliston (née Carter) (mother)
Noah Elliston (brother)
Katie Elliston (sister)
Jacob Owens (maternal uncle)
Kristina Owens (née Carter) (maternal aunt)
Charlotte Owens (cousin)
Spencer Owens (cousin)
Landon Carter (maternal uncle)
Chrysander Kaster (ex-boyfriend)
Random Muggle (one time hook-up)
Etienne Monet (boyfriend)
Magical Characteristics
Curved 14 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Elliston Family
Carter Family
Owens Family
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
Ravenclaw House
Ravenclaw Quidditch (2048-2050)
Student Defence Association (2049-2051)
Second Year
Sophie started her second year eager to finally be able to try out for the
Ravenclaw Quidditch Team. She wanted to follow the footsteps of her
eldest cousin Charlotte and so tried out for the chaser position. To her
delight, she had made it onto the team and was happy to finally be part of
something at Hogwarts. She attended game practices, and even though
the team did not win the cup and she wasn't too good at the sport yet, she
was happy with her efforts.
When Valentine's Day came around Sophie had unexpectedly received a
red rose from her only friend Selene Le Fey. She was happy about this but
felt bad that she hadn't sent one back to her.
At the end of the school year Sophie attended the 2049 Graduation Ceremony in support of her cousin
Spencer Owens. It was after the ceremony that Sophie met her first second cousin Violet
Owens-Rosemary, Charlotte's first born. Charlotte and her fiance Daniel Rosemary married in the school
break and Sophie attended the wedding in support.
Third Year
Sophie started her third year with the intent to get more involved in events at Hogwarts. She signed up for the Student Defence Association and attended meetings that they had in an effort to also make more friends. She even attended the Halloween celebration, dressing up as Cinderella, which was something she knew wouldn't have been done considering it was a character from the muggle world. She did not win a prize for her costume as many people did not know who she was, but was happy to have attended the event.
Coming back for her second semester, Sophie was informed that her father had developed Paget's disease, and so the thought of him was always in the back of her mind, but she tried to distract herself with the new club commitments and events happening at Hogwarts. She didn't tell any of her friends about it, and just hoped quietly that it would get better and be manageable.
Overall, Sophie had a good third year and received decent grades that she hoped could carry on in the year after.
Fourth Year
In August 2050, Sophie's father passed away from the Paget’s disease which transformed into a cancerous bone
disease. His death had happened slowly and over time, but Sophie did not understand what was happening
until his actual death. She did not realise the implications of the disease and so it hit her suddenly as she
started back at Hogwarts for her fourth year. She didn’t keep her position on the Quidditch Team as she no
longer felt motivated for it anymore, but kept her position in the Student Defence Association, feeling as
though she would be able to take out her anger doing that. However, it wasn't all that it seemed and Sophie
soon found herself giving that up as well as she just couldn't motivate herself to do anything anymore.
Sophie's grades had decreased dramatically, and the girl no longer had the ambition to become a prefect. She
skipped classes and consequently failed almost all of them, much to her mother's dislike.
Fifth Year
Sophie really did not want to be attending Hogwarts that year. Over the holidays she had been diagnosed with depression and began seeing a healer, Verity Lancaster, to help her. She did not like the idea of this and found it really hard to open up to anyone about her problems. She kept to herself the whole year, just as she had done last year, quit her position on the Student Defence Association, and only attended classes to keep her mother quiet and not worried about her. She found it hard to focus and found herself feeling extremely tired all of the time, which did consequently affect her performance.
Towards the end of the year, her best friend and new prefect, Selene Le Fey, reached out to her, bringing her dinner to the dormitory as she wasn't feeling well enough to go down herself. They spoke about Sophie's sketchbook, which definitely had more and more drawings in it everyday now. They particularly spoke about Sophie's creation. It was the opposite of a dementor - a serpent-shaped creature with wings, fur, and sharp fangs. It was majestic, only came out at night, and brought peace and harmony to those that needed it. It had the ability to glow in the dark when it sensed someone was feeling low, giving them the light that they needed to continue on.
Sophie found herself drawing a lot in classes, particularly in Care of Magical Creatures, where she would take creatures she learnt about and drew alternative pictures of them. She also gave them backstories, feeling as though this was definitely a relief from how she had been feeling.
Sixth Year
As her sixth year came around, Sophie was seeing Verity a little less each week. It meant she had more time
to implement the practices Verity had given her to try and find peace within herself. She also dropped a few
subjects, hoping that this would also give her some more time and stress her out a little less. She could feel
herself getting better, but still knew she had a lot of work to do. She had received decent grades last year,
which put her mother at ease and it was one of the main reasons why Sophie felt as though she was doing
During Sophie's first semester, her uncle Landon and younger year's Herbology professor, approached her. He
spoke to her carefully as he asked how she was going, and whilst Sophie was keeping distance between those
that cared for her, she allowed Landon to speak and it was then that she asked him whether or not becoming a
healer would be a good idea for her. He gave her a little bit of hope and definitely left her with a few things to
think about. She didn't like seeing her father in a hospital bed, and thought that if she became a healer she
could prevent others from being in the same position as him and prevent loved ones from feeling the way she
Also during her first semester, Sophie met an older Hufflepuff student by the name of Chrysander Kaster. She developed an interest in him and he developed an interest in her too. The pair of them met in the student lounge after Sophie just wanted some time to herself. It was very unexpected, but Sophie had quickly fallen for him. It was another person for Sophie to lean on and she kept him under her wing, which greatly helped Sophie improve her mood and lighten herself up a little more.
Sophie soon discovered her best friend Selene had splinched herself and was in a bad position at the hospital wing. Sophie was quick to draw her something as soon as she found out. This one took the shape of a small elephant. It had small wings and patterns on it like a ladybug, ears on it like a rabbit, and its legs joined together to form that of a mermaid's tail. It was hard to make out each of the animals that Sophie had chosen to include, and this was good as it made it look like its own, and whilst it was a little bit rushed, Sophie had drawn it especially for Selene and she hoped that she would like it. Selene really did like it, and this made Sophie glad, however Sophie couldn't help but feel a little disheartened to see her friend in such a bad position and not be able to do anything about it. It was this reason why Sophie was thinking more seriously about becoming a healer. She hated to see the ones she loved in so much pain.
Overall, Sophie had a good sixth year. She had finished with surprisingly good grades, which she mainly believes is because of the less subjects, and was just so eager for Hogwarts to be over already.
Seventh Year
Sophie yet again was not happy to be on another break, especially after finding out her older brother had moved out and the house was even more quiet. But during the holidays she attempted to distract herself as she went shopping for her best friend Selene. She had a very good feeling that it would be Selene who would get the Head Girl position, and so she bought a few gifts for her, including a crystal ball and friendship rings. She even put together a collage of some of her favourite drawings and put them on a canvas for her. When Sophie went back to Hogwarts for her seventh year, she was delighted to find out that Selene had actually received the position, and so quickly gave her the gifts on the first morning in the Great Hall during breakfast time.
When it came to Chrysander, the pair of them were slowly falling apart. Chrysander had graduated, leaving Sophie alone at Hogwarts whilst he went about his new life and freedom. The pair of them began speaking less and eventually they broke apart quite badly as Chrysander sent her a letter aggressively saying how he wanted to end it and that it was over. Sophie saw this coming and so the initial reaction to it was nothing, but eventually Sophie grew even more tired of being at Hogwarts and she felt the sudden urge to rebel as many emotions raced through her head, including the feeling of constantly being abandoned and left behind.
During the Christmas break, Sophie found herself at a muggle bar out of town with a fake ID. She hooked up with a random muggle at his house, and after that the pair of them never spoke to each other or saw each other again.
As Sophie went back for her second semester, she was much happier. She didn't regret running away, despite how suddenly worried her mother become. The teen just continued to attend her classes as usual as if nothing had happened. On Valentine's Day, Selene had given her a yellow rose for the last time, and this continued to make Sophie happy as she was beginning to realise just how much she meant to her friend.
As the semester continued on, Sophie could feel herself getting extremely tired, even more than usual. She didn't sleep very much, even at night when she didn't have anything else to do. She was feeling sick at odd hours of the morning, craving odd combinations of foods, and the headaches were the worst she’d ever had. She knew what was wrong with her now, but she didn’t have time to stop and think about it, so she just kept continuing her life as normal.
On Sophie's last night at Hogwarts, she attended a sleepover in the abandoned classroom with Selene and a couple of her friends. She hadn't told a single person her secret as it would then solidify her thoughts and potentially make matters much worse, especially when the exams were around the corner and there were things much more worth worrying about. She had done well in the exams, having received an O grade in everything except for her charms class where she received an EE. She was quite happy with this, especially considering the circumstances, and her mother was delighted with these results.
Later Life (2054 onwards)
Upon coming back home after her seventh year at Hogwarts, Sophie's mother had soon discovered her secret. The teen's pregnancy was not hard to notice at all at this point, being 5 months in, and naturally her mother became angry. It was much too late to do anything at that point, and Sophie was lucky that she hadn't been showing too much during her time at Hogwarts, as that could have put her in a lot of trouble. Sophie's mother reluctantly supported her throughout it, but her older sister Katie was the most helpful, and even went baby shopping with her.
Sophie had a baby girl in November 2054. She named it Brianna Kate Selene Elliston, after her father Brian, her sister Kate, and her best friend Selene.

Sophie's second year yearbook photo
Sophie's 2049 Halloween Costume: Cinderella
Sophie's fourth year yearbook photo

Sophie's fifth year yearbook photo
Sophie's sixth year yearbook photo

Sophie's seventh year yearbook photo


Physical Appearance
Sophie has blonde hair that grows past her shoulders. Her hair is naturally straight but she enjoys to curl it
in her free time and would much rather keep it long, despite how much longer it would take to curl. Curling
her hair is one of her favourite ways to pass the time and she loves the end result. Sophie has blue eyes
that can sometimes look green in a different light. She does not really take much pride in the colour of her
eyes and feels too similar to everyone else as blue would be the most common eye colour. Her eye colour
and eye shape run in the family.
Sophie has a small and faded diagonal line on the right side of her face just underneath her eye which is
her birthmark. It is an indent in the skin which is barely noticeable to anyone unless they look at her
Sophie is ambidextrous which means that she can do things with both her left and right hands. By choice
she will always write with her left hand but often switches over to her right when she is doing something
such as eating or playing an instrument. She does not think about what hand she uses and just simply
does it without noticing.
Personality and traits
"Sophie is a sweet person with good intentions. She's very shy when you first meet her, but when she opens up you realise just how creative and intelligent she is."
- Charlotte, Sophie's cousin, describing Sophie's personality.
Sophie is always doubting herself and her abilities and can never see any potential in herself. She is always prepared for the worst outcome in any situation, making her a pessimist. She is extremely shy and an introvert. She does not have that many friends but does try her best to make them, despite the fact she prefers to be alone where her imagination can run wild. She is also not impulsive and always thinks about her actions before going forward with them.
Sophie strongly believes in Science rather than Astrology and despises subjects like Divination and Arithmancy as she believes they are completely wrong and Science is a more logical approach to the answers of the universe.
When it comes to following the rules, Sophie understands that they are important but she is also not afraid to break them if they don't stand with any of her beliefs or what she wants to do. This can make her a bit selfish and careless which is also seen in her work ethic, despite her intelligence. She always wants things to go her own way and often distracts herself from doing work simply because she does not want to do it, resulting in her being quite unproductive most of the time and failing to do what she needs to.
Growing up in a muggle family Sophie has quite enjoyed playing video games and using 3D animation on the computer to create characters for her own video game that she hopes to one day create, which in turn makes her quite good at drawing and technology. Sophie owns a journal that she draws her characters in. She is one for detail and has used many pages in it depicting characters from her imagination. When she isn’t creating characters she is playing her guitar and singing which she often does to relax herself and give herself some inspiration. As she is only young she is not the best at music yet but thinks of it as more of a hobby than a talent.

A more accurate depiction of Sophie, made with artbreeder
Magical abilities and skills
Drawing: Sophie has always been interested in drawing characters and uses video games to inspire her. She hopes to make her own video game when she is older.
Video Games: Sophie has been playing video games for as long as she can remember and from this she has developed fast reflex skills, also making her quite athletic when she wants to be.
Music: Sophie uses music to distract her. She started playing the guitar and singing when she was ten years old. She still takes vocal lessons, however is not as good or as interested in it as she is with drawing and sketching.
Sketchbook: Sophie has filled up many sketchbooks in her life. The one she holds currently she had received for her ninth birthday.
Creatures and Beats from Mythology (Author Unknown): Sophie received this book from her best friend Selene Le Fey as she started her Seventh Year at Hogwarts.
Brian Elliston
"The things that are close always will be."
- Brian Elliston
Brian Elliston was Sophie's father. He has always been her role model throughout her entire life, even after his death. He was a very good companion to her, and was always there to support her. She had the most fun with him, even more fun than what she had with her cousins as a child. He also taught her many things, including some tips and tricks on how to play sports, and even how to defend herself, hence her appreciation for the subject Defence Against The Dark Arts.
Sophie's favourite sport she liked to play with her father was soccer. The pair of them used to play in their free time when Brian wasn't working. It was often something Sophie would pester him for, and he was always happy to do so. On the weekends he would take her to her favourite chocolate shop just outside of town and tell her that she could only buy one each time, and she would always pick the 6 pack of chocolate animals, as it was technically more than one, but still only counted as one.
Charlotte Owens
Sophie has known Charlotte for her whole life, and ever since Sophie discovered her magical abilities, Charlotte has been her role model. Sophie aspired to be like her - play quidditch, have lots of friends, and to overall be a successful witch. The pair of them went shopping together for Sophie's school supplies before Sophie's first year. When Sophie was diagnosed with depression, Charlotte supported her, despite the fact Sophie didn't care to see her as a role model anymore.
Selene Le Fey
"Selene was different to the others - she was Sophie's friend."
- Sophie on Selene, 2052.
Sophie met Selene in her first year. She was Sophie's first friend. Sophie offered Selene her bed as Selene confessed to having nightmares, and ever since then the pair of them have been really close. When Sophie was diagnosed with depression, Selene continued to be her friend and even brought her meals up to their dormitory. Sophie was always there for her too, gifting her a drawing after she had been splinched during an Apparition lesson and congratulating her the following year for her Head Girl position.
Lars van Houten
Sophie met Lars in her first year. The pair of them bonded over their love for drawing. As Sophie became diagnosed with depression, she became very distant towards him. The pair of them barely spoke after their fifth year, and whilst this was sad, Sophie really did not care as she didn't think she had much room in her life for friends anyway.
The name Sophie is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Sophie is: Wisdom; wise.
Pippa is originally a pet form of "Philippa" (lover of horses), Pippa is now in common use as an independent given name.
The surname Elliston is from the medieval personal name "Elis", which was the normal vernacular form of the biblical name "Elijah". The name was "Elias" in Greek, from the Hebrew "Eliyahn", meaning "Jehovah is God".