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Ares Kuya-Tine

Ares Kuya-Tine (b. 19 May 2040) is a Mixed Blood wizard and the third-eldest child of Justin Kuya and Kiara Tine. Ares attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in 2051, before transferring to Hogwarts New Zealand in 2055. He was sorted into Slytherin House.

Early Life (2040-2051)



Beauxbatons Years (2051-2055)

Ares attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic at the customary age of 11. His older brother and sister, Athena and Apollo, already attended the school and were in their fourth year upon Ares's arrival. The boy struggled with learning French, especially since he lived in New Zealand and had not grown up much around the language. He attended the school nonetheless, trying his best to learn the language despite really struggling. He never spoke to anyone, making people in his grade think that he was mute, which he was often bullied for.

When Ares started his second year, he was keen to try out for the Beauxbatons Quidditch Team. He earned himself an alternate position as a chaser and played a couple of games. He had grown to really like the sport, much like his father, and it soon became a way for him to keep his head up and deal with not feeling comfortable in the school. He liked the chaser position as it gave him a chance to blend in with the two other chasers that were on the field since he didn't ever like being in the spotlight. Ares had received a full position on the team by his third year.

During Ares's fourth year, he began to make some friends. A younger girl by the name of Amelie, who played as an alternate seeker on the Quidditch Team, began talking to him. She understood English, which definitely made interaction with her a lot easier. She introduced Ares to a friend of hers during the break who Ares soon grew to like. His name was Jordan Harris. He played as a chaser on the Hufflepuff Team at Hogwarts New Zealand and knew a fair few people who played Quidditch quite well. Ares also met a rather attractive girl by the name of Estella Fuentes, who also attended Hogwarts New Zealand and was sorted into Hufflepuff House. It made Ares even more determined to go to that school and leave Beauxbatons behind.

Hogwarts Years (2055-2058)

Fifth Year

Ares was absolutely delighted to have been accepted as a transfer at

Hogwarts New Zealand. He was sorted into Slytherin House, which he

didn't think too much about. He knew his parents were also sorted into that

house so supposed it made sense. The first person he met was Valeria

Iglesias, who was a Ravenclaw two years below him. She was the only

other transfer at the school, and she also happened to be quite a good

person to talk to and confide in. Ares enjoyed spending time with her.

Ares joined the Brotherhood, which was a club that Jordan Harris was part

of. It was here where he met Jordan's friends Branson, Weston, Isaiah and

Louis, who were all a year below him.

Luckily, Ares made it onto the Quidditch Team, which he was definitely

stoked about. He was playing as a beater now and thought it would be a

good opportunity to become a good all-rounder at the sport. He practiced

Quidditch with Jordie, despite being on opposing teams.

Since many of his friends weren't in his classes, Ares became closer to Estella Fuentes who was in his grade. They became study buddies for the OWL exams and soon became good friends.

For Halloween, Ares dressed up as a clown, which was a very last minute decision. It definitely wasn't the best costume there, but he was just happy to be spending the night with his new friends. He also attended the Yule Ball with both Jordan and Weston. After the night, Jordie walked Ares back to the dungeons and the pair of them shared a kiss. Ares was flustered by this and the boys didn't bring it up for the remainder of the semester.

During the semester break, Ares visited Jordan's house for a sleepover

with Weston. Ares soon learnt how affectionate the boy was, and so

thought that perhaps the kiss was not anything special at all.

Coming back to Hogwarts, Ares soon learnt that there was a tradition

where they could deliver anonymous roses to people for Valentine's Day.

Feeling absolutely infatuated, Ares sent an anonymous rose to Jordan,

which Jordan kept for quite a while despite it withering away. Jordan was

determined to find out who it was, however Ares was not going to give

away his secret and was feeling nervous that Jordan would soon find out.

He began avoiding him, feeling that Jordie probably didn't feel the same

way. This upset the both of them however, and after a terrifying Defence

Against The Dark Arts lesson, Jordie cried in Ares's lap, and Ares

comforted him.

Throughout the duration of the semester, Ares had been receiving letters. He thought it was a prank at first and soon found it to be quite annoying. He brushed the thought away however, just eager to get his OWL exams done. He had ended the year with pretty good grades and was quite proud of his efforts.

Ares, 9 years old

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Ares's Halloween Costume 2055: A Clown

Ares's Fifth Year Yearbook Photo

Ares's Yule Ball Outfit: 2055


Ares Jacob Kuya-Tine

Biographical Information

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
19 May, 2040
St Mungo's Hospital, Great Britain
Mixed Blood
In a Relationship
  • None
  • Head Boy

Physical Information

Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour

Family Information

Family members
  • Kiara Tine (mother)
  • Justin Kuya (father)
  • Athena Kuya-Tine (sister)
  • Apollo Kuya-Tine (brother)
  • Astreaus Kuya-Tine (brother)
  • Artemis Kuya-Tine (sister)
  • Jacob Kuya (paternal grandfather) †
  • Amelia Ashford (paternal grandmother) †
  • Cara Tine (nee Davis) (maternal grandmother) †
  • Joshua Tine (maternal grandfather) †
  • Drake Kuya (paternal uncle) †
  • Madeline Ashford (paternal aunt)
  • Devon Ashford (paternal uncle)

Magical Characteristics



Jordie beaten and bruised, blaming Ares

Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core





  • Kuya-Tine Family
  • Beauxbatons School
  • Hogwarts New Zealand
    • Slytherin House​
    • Slytherin Quidditch Team
    • The Brotherhood

Sixth Year

Ares opted to spend a good amount of his break with Jordie. He didn't care about spending too much time with his own family, and instead spent time with Jordie's. On one of the days, the pair of them explored a forest nearby where Jordie lived. They came across what seemed to be an abandoned house, and despite Ares telling Jordie they should leave it alone, Jordie was quick to approach it and head inside. Ares had no choice but to follow him. As they entered it, it definitely seemed abandoned, and just when Ares thought everything was going to be okay, he opened a door to a room with nothing but a large cupboard that was moving from side to side, rocking back and forth as if something inside it was trying to get out. Suddenly, the doors of the cupboard swung right open in a blast and a gust of wind through the open windows behind it blew his hair right back. From inside the cupboard a beaten and bruised version of Jordie stepped out. This was his first encounter with a boggart. When Jordie stepped in front it, it morphed into many people that told Jordie he wasn't good enough. Ares was one of them. Onyx ended up saving the both of them, and Ares struggled to sleep for the next few nights.

Soon enough, the break ended and Ares was back at Hogwarts. He wanted to

try and practice quidditch a little more this year, so decided to do some

practice with his fellow beater Celia Vuong. He clearly got on her nerves and

vice versa, and it was suddenly obvious that they weren't going to be the best

of friends.

That Halloween, after doing some research on some scary muggle things for children, Ares dressed up as

the Cookie Monster and spent his time at the feast with his friend Valeria who went as Princess Fiona.

Despite not recognising the character, Ares absolutely loved her outfit and the effort that she managed to put

into everything. He had a very good time that night.

With the semester quickly progressing, Ares also had the love letters from last year still in the back of his

mind. Somehow he convinced himself that it was Jordie's friend Weston, and so in between classes, Ares

confronted the boy, telling him straight out that he didn't feel the same way back. This turned out to be quite

embarrassing however for the both of them, as Weston admitted that he knew it was Jordie that had done it.

This all took a while for Ares to process, and the teen actively avoided Jordie until he finally found the courage

to approach him about it. When he did, and Jordie finally confessed, Ares confessed his feelings for him too. They went to the Yule Ball together that semester and finally became official.

During the break, Ares attended Onyx's wedding with Jordie. It was an amazing experience for Ares as he had never been to a wedding before, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself and was grateful to be a part of it. When the next semester started, Ares planned a special night for both him and Jordie up in the North Tower. He knew Jordie had been quite busy lately and just wanted to make the most of the small time they had together. He set up blankets and pillows and organised for some food as well.

Later that semester, Ares signed up for the dueling tournament. He did not win, but he did knock out the previous champion, and he had to admit it really got to his head. He felt like he was on top of the world at that point. He also attended a Hufflepuff Bakeoff as Jordie's plus one, and then attended the Valentine's Dance with Jordie as well. Everything was shaping out quite perfectly.

As the year began to come to a close however, Ares felt his mood slowly deteriorating. Jordie was only getting busier as he studied very hard for his OWL exams, all while trying to keep on top of his tutoring, and his Quidditch games, and his band commitment, and there was barely anymore time for both Jordie and Ares to spend time together. Ares never wanted to admit it as he didn't want to come off clingy. He simply spent the time when Jordie was busy dwelling over it. He made the mistake one night of visiting the Student Lounge instead of his dormitory, and that was where his friend Estella had found him. He knew Essie had a rough year as well, so he didn't expect it when she began trying to cheer him up. He refused to tell her much however, until her stubbornness became frustrating. He blurt it all out to her, about how he hated how busy his boyfriend was, and he was grateful that she was there to help cheer him up as best as she could.

Overall, Ares had quite an eventful year full of many emotions. He just hoped his last year at Hogwarts would pick up just a little bit.

Seventh Year

Ares had a good break despite being a little rocky with Jordie. He was happy that at least he was able to hang out with him a little more over the break, but now with yet another responsibility for his boyfriend as leader of the Brotherhood, Ares was unsure whether or not he’d ever get to see his face. On top of that, Ares had somehow earned himself the Head Boy badge, and whilst a little shocked at this, he didn't really care for it. There were a lot of other things that he had to worry about.

Soon enough, Halloween had approached and Ares hadn't had much time to come up with an idea for an outfit. He found a skateboard, so decided to simply go as a skateboarder. His friends did a lot better than him however, with Valeria going as a mermaid with some fish swimming around her. The Slytherin was in awe at her costume, unsure how she managed to pull it off so magnificently.

As the year continued on, Ares felt himself becoming a little stressed as he realised just how well he was going to have to do for his final year. Quidditch was also becoming a burden now, especially with all of the bruises Ares managed to get from his house mate Celia, who found joy in bullying him. He didn't dare to tell anyone however as he didn't want Celia to think he was weak. Jordie's responsibilities were also stressing Ares out as he hated to see Jordie so frazzled with everything that he had going on. When the Yule Ball came around, Ares wanted it to be the best night for him and his boyfriend. They danced the whole night and stayed up late, just cherishing the time that they finally had together.

For the second semester, Ares decided to enter the dueling tournament again, hoping this would boost his confidence a little. Unfortunately however, the teen was knocked out after the first round, and this just added to the constant self doubt in his head. Trying to brush it off however, Ares just distracted himself with classes, trying his best to also come up with a speech for the graduation at the end of the year. Eventually he decided to not care so much and was just prepared to take it as it came.

Eventually the graduation ceremony came and Ares was happy to see Jordie amongst the crowd as he spoke to everyone in the room. He was pleased with how his speech went and was just happy to be leaving the school, even though it also meant leaving Jordie behind.

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Ares's Sixth Year Yearbook Photo

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Ares's Halloween Costume 2056: The Cookie Monster

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Ares's Valentine's Dance Outfit: 2057

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