Hattie Thorne
"Oh Ancient Runes is amazing!" the Ravenclaw exclaimed. "You learn about all these different runes... it's like learning a new language... and then you do readings to determine one's future. It's so much fun!"
- Hattie on Ancient Runes.
Hattie Mae Thorne (b. 26 August 2037) is a muggle-born witch and the eldest adopted child of Jeremy Thorne. She was abandoned upon birth and found on the 28th of August 2037 at 2 days old by a witch who took her to a magical orphanage and gave her the name 'Hattie Mae'. Hattie does not know this and does not particularly care about where she came from. All of her early memories were at the orphanage so that is where she believes she came from.
Hattie was adopted at six years of age in 2043 by Jeremy Thorne, a former Ravenclaw and current Ministry of Magic worker. She began attending Hogwarts New Zealand in 2048 and was sorted into Ravenclaw house.

Early Life (2037-2048)
Hattie Mae Thorne is the eldest adopted child of Jeremy Thorne. She was
born on the twenty-sixth day of August in 2037 in an unknown Muggle
hospital in the United Kingdom. She was put up for adoption as a baby in
a muggle orphanage but was soon transferred to a wizarding orphanage
after showing signs of magic at four years of age. Her first magical outburst
consisted of her levitating random objects around the room, frightening the
other children.
In 2043 Hattie started to form a closer relationship with healer Jeremy
Thorne who made an effort to come and see her when he could and take
her out on trips, many of which consisted of buying ice cream which soon
turned into Hattie's favourite treat. As they became closer, Jeremy decided
to adopt Hattie and Hattie was excited to finally be out of the orphanage.
Hogwarts Years (2048-2056)
First Year
Hattie was very excited to be attending Hogwarts New Zealand where her father had gone, however she was a little bit nervous about leaving her father and having to do things without him. She made a promise to him to write him letters whilst she was there.
When Hattie was sorted into Ravenclaw she couldn't be more happy. It made her feel closer to her adoptive father and like she was more part of the family. Hattie enjoyed exploring the castle at Hogwarts the most, but also making sure to stay out of trouble. She kept her two soft toys with her wherever she went, Mr and Mrs Donkey, and they made her feel a lot more comfortable with the very different routine. At the end of the year however she hadn't done too well with her grades, mostly because the castle was just so distracting, but had done best in Herbology.
Second Year
After keeping to herself throughout her first year, Hattie was excited for her
second year where she promised herself she would get more involved in
things and make more friends. She joined the Heta Omega club to do this,
meeting some older girls and becoming aquaintaned with them. She also
attended Halloween that year as a Scary Ghost and won the most scary
costume which she was quite proud of herself for.
Overall, Hattie had a better year than last year, having received better
grades and having met a lot of new people, including getting closer with
those that she shared a dorm room with.
Third Year
Hattie was looking forward to her third year. She wanted to do much better in all of her classes and so just tried her best to stay focused on that.
In November 2050, Georgiana's daughter and Hattie's cousin Genesee was born and so Hattie was able to see the baby over the semester break. Hattie hadn't really seen many babies before, as everyone that was at her orphanage was around her age, and so it was very exciting for Hattie who opted to be a good role model for her.
It was this year also that Hattie decided to keep her two soft toys, Mr and Mrs Donkey, in her dormitory, and rather than taking them everywhere she went, they simply slept on her bed all day and she would join them at night.
By the end of the year Hattie had received better grades, having received full marks in her History of Magic class which was soon becoming one of her favourite subjects, as well as Ancient Runes.
Hattie Mae Thorne
Biographical Information
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Also known as
26 August, 2037
Unknown Muggle Hospital
United Kingdom
Too Young To Care
Ravenclaw Chaser (2051 onwards)
Physical Information
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Family Information
Family members
Alexander Thorne (adoptive grandfather)
Rebekah Thorne (adoptive grandmother)
Jeremy Thorne (adoptive father)
Alanna Thorne (adoptive aunt)
Georgiana Night-Carter (née Night) (adoptive aunt)
Landon Carter (adoptive uncle)
Magical Characteristics
Curved 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Beech Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Thorne Family
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
Ravenclaw House
Heta Omega
Ravenclaw Quidditch
Accio Yearbook

Hattie at 9 years of age

Hattie's Prize-Winning Halloween Costume, 2049: Scary Ghost
Hattie's First Year Yearbook photo
Hattie's Third Year Yearbook Photo
Fourth Year
Hattie went into her fourth year not really knowing what to expect. She opted to try out for the quidditch team that
year, mostly to impress her Aunt Georgiana who played the sport professionally. Hattie had done well and had
made the team as a chaser. She definitely wasn't the best player on the team and the team did not get the cup
that year, but Hattie enjoyed herself nonetheless as she became closer with her room mate and Quidditch Captain
Minnie Calida.
Hattie also joined the Accio Yearbook team as an intern where she was learning the ropes from an older seventh
year Slytherin student. They weren't the nicest person, but they sure knew what they were doing and Hattie felt
immense pressure to uphold their position on the team when they left. To make herself more busy, once her break
had started, Hattie applied for a job at the Makutu Dinette, and she was delighted when she received it and it
meant she could start using her own money on her Brightstone trips and it gave her something to do during the
Overall, Hattie had quite a good fourth year, especially when playing those quidditch matches, and she couldn't
help but feel a little nervous for the year ahead of her, hoping that she'd be able to keep her consistent grades
despite knowing that she was definitely not the best.
Fifth Year
Hattie was quite happy to be coming back to Hogwarts for her fifth year. However, not everyone around her was feeling the same. Her very good friend Minnie Calida was very devastated that she hadn't received the prefect position, and this made Hattie feel a little upset for her. Minnie was the best in all of the classes and it confused Hattie why she hadn't received it. The Ravenclaw just tried to be there for her friend throughout the year, especially after Minnie also broke up with her boyfriend.
For Halloween that year, Hattie tried her best to be creative again and decided to go as a Turkey. Whilst it was one of the main ones that stood out, it unfortunately did not end up getting a prize as there were quite a few other costumes that deserved it more. Hattie still had fun however, despite not being able to breathe or see much in her costume and did not regret her choices.
However, a Heta Omega Event made things quite hard for the Ravenclaw when
she was paired up on a blind date with Minnie's ex. They attended the Yule Ball
together and it was the most awkward Hattie had ever been. She just wanted to
be with Minnie, but instead she had to be with her ex, and it made Hattie really
regret signing up for the event. Thankfully, Minnie was not at all upset about
Hattie going to the event with him and the pair of them were still close.
That Valentine's Dance, Hattie and Minnie went together as friends and the Ravenclaw couldn't be more
happier that she was finally able to enjoy such an event with someone that she liked. It was around then too
that Minnie started to be a little happier, and this made Hattie happy also.
During another Heta Omega Event, the girls discussed Womanhood. The younger year's Ancient Runes
professor joined them and they were all able to ask her questions about what it was like being a woman.
Hattie made an effort to ask her what it was like to have Ancient Runes as a career being a woman. Hattie
knew she really liked the subject, and was greatly considering a career in it. Her words gave Hattie some
hope as she told her it was quite a supportive field, and this made her consider it more.
Overall, Hattie enjoyed her fifth year. She liked being on the Accio team and thought that she had done quite well with all of her responsibilities this year on top of her OWL exams. The girl was pleased with her
OWL results. Her worst was Transfiguration, whilst her best was Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Herbology.
Sixth Year
Hattie couldn’t be more relieved that her OWL exams had gone smoothly and it was all over. She had received pretty decent grades, and took the liberty of taking some subjects out of her schedule this year in hopes that it would take some pressure off her. She was only left with a few now, which looked much better every time she looked at her timetable.
For Halloween, Hattie went dressed as a spider and it was her first ever
magically enchanted costume that her father helped her with. The legs moved
on their own accord and it was definitely one of the scariest ones there.
Unfortunately, Hattie did not win anything for the costume, and so she made a
mental note to try even harder for the following year so that she could hopefully
win something else before she graduated.
When sign-ups were posted for blind dates again, Hattie wasn't really sure why
she decided to sign up again, especially after what happened the year before,
and she just hoped that this time it wouldn't disappoint her. She went to the
Yule Ball with a Gryffindor in her year named Ryan Williams. He was nicer than
Noel and at least that made Hattie enjoy her night a little more.
During the semester break, Hattie made sure to catch up with her father for some father-daughter time. The
pair of them went to their favourite ice-cream shop where they always used to go. Hattie spoke about her
future with him and voiced to him how uncertain she was of it. She also spoke about how much a failure she
felt that she hadn't had a boyfriend yet, especially since everyone around her were getting one. The chat
made Hattie feel better however, and the teen was glad to finally talk to her father alone.
As the second semester went back, Hattie was looking forward to learning how to apparate. She managed to do quite well with it and had received an O as an overall grade in the class. She was excited to go back for another break after the semester to tell her father all about it.
Seventh Year
Upon returning back to Hogwarts for her very last year of schooling, Hattie had been appointed a Ravenclaw Prefect. She was so happy with this and felt good to be part of a group of such good role models. It made her even closer with her friend Sam, who was a prefect for Hufflepuff House, and she was happy that Sam had become President of the Heta Omega club as well. The pair of them spent a lot of time together during their Seventh Year, and Hattie even did a reading on her for one of her Ancient Runes assignments.
Hattie attended the Halloween Feast as a Penguin. She thought her costume was rather amusing, however a writer for the Hogwarts Monthly thought otherwise, stating in the latest issue that her costume was 'Baffling' and 'designed for kindergarteners'. Hattie didn't care about this however, feeling as though she had fun and that was all that mattered. She did not regret what she thought was quite a creative choice for a costume.
With it finally daunting on her that she was soon to graduate, Hattie decided that she would have a go at that year's dueling tournament. The Ravenclaw made it to the third round, coming second overall in her year group. She was amazed at the result and regretted not participating in the tournament
As her first semester progressed, the girl couldn't help but feel a little lost. She still wasn't sure at all what she wanted to do when she graduated, and figuring she needed to decide soon, Hattie headed to her Head of House's office and asked her for some advice. The professor gave her some pamphlets on some careers she could take up that involved Ancient Runes. One of them stood out to her, and also inspired her to visit the Inner Eye at the Makutu Mall during the semester break and purchase her first ever amulet. It was silver with a Wunjo Rune. There, she met Bridget McGowan, a silversmith who worked magic into her jewellery, and Hattie instantly knew that was what she wanted to do when she left school. She organised to do an apprenticeship with her upon graduating.
During the semester break, Hattie also spent a fair bit of time with Ryan. The pair of them went on a
date together at The Three Broomsticks and she was really starting to like him.
Coming back to her second semester, Hattie made sure to wear her Wunjo amulet everywhere she
went. She believed that it was going to give her a lot of good luck for her upcoming exams and for her
future to come. She kept it tucked underneath her robes.
As exams were getting closer, it was also becoming apparent to Hattie
that she should spend as much time with her friends as she could. She
organised a study session with Adorah in the Ravenclaw Common Room
and even brought them some snacks to eat whilst they did. She also
organised a picnic on the Great Lawn with Sam. She had help from the
house elves to provide all of the food. Whilst enjoying the picnic, the two girls decided that they would move in together after they graduated, and that definitely kept Hattie's spirits up and she was never so excited for the future.
Soon enough, Hattie's graduation had come around. Both her father and her Aunt Georgiana had attended. She was excited to be leaving Hogwarts, despite leaving some of her friends behind, and was looking forward to whatever was ahead for her.

Hattie's Fourth Year Yearbook photo
Hattie's Halloween Costume, 2052: Turkey
Hattie's Yule Ball outfit, 2052

Hattie's Halloween Costume, 2053: Spider
Hattie's Sixth Year Yearbook Photo

Hattie's Halloween Costume, 2054: Penguin
Hattie's Wunjo Amulet
Hattie's Seventh Year Yearbook Photo

Hattie's Farewell Message on behalf of the Accio! Yearbook Team
Later Life (2055 onwards)
Physical Appearance
Hattie has long blonde hair which runs all the way down to her hips and bright blue eyes. She isn't too skinny
or too fat, and has always had a good and healthy build, which helps her in her beater position on the
quidditch team. She is a little bit taller for her age too, which also contributes to her athletic ability.
Hattie barely wears dresses and skirts, but can be found in a nice pair of trousers and a blouse. She barely
owns any dresses as she just doesn't attend enough formal events to need them.

Personality and traits
Hattie enjoys creating stories in her head as part of her vivid imagination. She is always asking questions and wanting to know more to help her come up with her stories. She loves to analyse situations and know every single detail. Many people would find her rude as she wants to know so much, and she is often oblivious to this and asks questions regardless of whether or not the person wants her to. This can also make her quite talkative, but when her questions are not answered she will often get upset as she believes everything must go her way. Hattie also likes to explore. However, she is not impulsive and is much more cautious than the average explorer. She will only explore a place if she knows that it is safe, and she will continuously ask questions to know whether it is before doing so.
One of Hattie’s negative traits is that she is rather bossy. Growing up in the orphanage she would instinctively always tell others what to do which would not gain her many friends. As a child, she used her bossiness with her soft toys, telling them what to do and making them do it. She likes having control over a situation as it makes her feel better about it and less nervous. If she does not get her way she will sometimes start a scene and may end a friendship if someone doesn’t listen to her.
Hattie’s vivid imagination also contributes to her constant daydreaming. When she is supposed to be concentrating or focusing on something she will sometimes quickly start thinking about something else, making her easily distracted. Her daydreams will lead to stories that she makes up in her head. She does not always write these down and easily forgets them, thinking that half of them are ridiculous. Hattie is also very hardworking and ambitious. She will often make challenges for herself that may sometimes even be out of reach and does not give up until they are fully completed and completed to a good extent. She easily becomes frustrated with herself when she is unable to do something and this puts her in a very bad mood.
A more accurate depiction of Hattie, made with artbreeder
Magical abilities and skills
Flying: Hattie joined the Ravenclaw quidditch team in her fourth year to impress her aunt Georgiana. She is not the best at it but tries her best.
Wand: Before Hattie's first year she purchased her first wand: Curved 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Beech Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core.
Mr and Mrs Donkey: During Hattie's stay at the orphanage she befriended two soft toys whom she named Mr and Mrs Donkey. She takes them wherever she goes, even at Hogwarts. Halfway through her third year she decided to let them stay in her dormitory.
Wunjo Amulet: Hattie purchased her first ever amulet at the end of 2054 during her seventh year semester break. It has the Wunjo rune on it. Hattie wears this everyday as a good luck charm.
Glasses: In 2055, Hattie realised that she was long-sighted when she began struggling to read some things that were printed in rather small writing. To enhance her vision, Hattie purchased some prescription glasses that she only wears when reading.
The name Hattie means Home Ruler and is of American origin. American diminutive for the name Harriet.
Mae means “sea of bitterness”, “rebelliousness” and “wished for child” or “beloved”.
The name Thorne means From The Thorn Bush and is of English origin.
Jeremy Thorne
Jeremy Thorne is Hattie's adopted father. He adopted her in 2043 when she was six years old after developing a close relationship with her. The pair of them always like to spend their time at the ice cream shop in Obsidian Harbour, and that is where they bond the most. Hattie has the closest relationship with her father as he has always been a good role model to her even before she was officially adopted.
Minnie Calida
Minnie Calida was Hattie's first friend at Hogwarts. She was a fellow Ravenclaw in her year. They also both played Quidditch, which Minnie eventually captained. They often studied together and did many of the same subjects.
Adorah Zumwalt
Adorah Zumwalt was a fellow Ravenclaw in Hattie's year. They shared a dormitory together and often confided in each other. Adorah became Head Girl in their seventh year, which Hattie was extremely proud of.
Samantha Jacobs
Samantha Jacobs was a Hufflepuff in Hattie's year. They didn't become close until their sixth year. They had many study sessions together, and Hattie even did a few readings on her for her Ancient Runes classes. During their seventh year they had a picnic together to celebrate almost finishing school. It was then that they both agreed that they would move out together after finishing.

Hattie and Adorah
Courtesy of Rowan